
This isn’t necessarily the best story about my mom, but it is the most recent and the one I’m still pondering.

One more story. One of the families in our neighborhood were immigrants from China. The youngest son was and is a wonderful artist. Back in high school, he won a national competition and one of his paintings was shown at a museum in DC. His parents worked within walking distance but refused to go because they were

Wait what, super chilled out dude? Those were literally ALL post breakup stories. Was he confusing the winners from the previous week’s pissing contest for the current week’s topic? I am not super chill, ever, and I am also confused now.

I’m so sorry and fuck the people who don’t understand/judge the situation.

Thanks for sharing your story. For real. It’s a horribly common situation and if more people can recognize themselves in someone else’s tragedy they might realize they are allowed to fix their own. F your Dad. I hope you reconnect with your sis.

My parents divorced when I was 5, and my mother decided at that time she had enough of raising her 4 children. She moved 600 miles away and flits in and out inconsistently for the past 20 years. I refer to her as a “Facebook mom;” she likes to be there for the photo ops (college graduation, wedding, birth of a baby,

Thanks for this piece, Natasha. For me it’s my Dad who I had to blacklist. I still get really tired of people who tell me “but but but he’s your Dad”. So what. He was no father. Sometimes being a Dad merely boils down to getting someone pregnant, and I resent being made to feel like I’m in his eternal debt because he

Thank you so much for this! I was taken away from my mother when I was a child due to serious neglect. The apartment we were living in was condemned. She left, didn’t even try to get me back or see me. No phone calls, nothing. Just left while I wondered why. I got that we weren’t living right, didn’t understand the

Hey Jezzies.

Were I pedantic, I would ask what is up with all the questions marks after sentences.

Ok, I’ll play along. Who exactly is the target of this brilliant satire? People who publish long unfunny rants insulting women’s bodies and ragging on random pieces of clothing? Because that’s not really such a booming genre that the readers here (who I assume are mostly well-read people capable of understanding

“Hey, can’t you sensitive bitches take a JOKE?! I mean sure, it’s a mean nasty joke insulting women’s bodies, but it’s SATIRE!” - unfunny dudebro comedians and Jezebel editors

I don’t want to speak for her, but Jia does seem to out-and-out hate at least this site’s commenters.

Well, there’s a big, fat wake-up call to anyone who doesn’t believe rape is a tool of war or that access to and control over one’s own reproductive care (including abortion) is a human right.

lol no. this is the most fallacious comparison in the history of the world.

google translate tends to default to ‘classic’ french... we were waiting on the proper Quebecois translation... here it is now...

Yes! “Thank you for pointing that out to me. It wasn’t my intention, and I’m sorry for not having caught that before I posted it. In the future I’ll think more carefully about making comments like that.”

(Editor’s Note: Like I’m ever going to pass up a story that makes fun of Tim Hortons...)

“The girl in the photo is a white girl so clearly nothing about race.” Hmmm. Yes, because “being white” isn’t about race, whereas being anything but white is all about race. White privilege means that white people don’t have to worry about race, right? So as long as we just look at white people and talk about white

Here’s the thing: just shut up about NOT being racist and listen to the comments. Nobody said it was purposeful, but that that characterization leads to identifying a cultural identity with a societal identity. People aren’t out to get you, just have you think about your beliefs a little. It’s a freakin’ opportunity