
The minister at my church gave an AMAZING sermon a year or so ago on the exact same Bible verse they quoted in the show (about dressing in other gender's clothing, etc) and how it related to the trans community. There's much belief that its a passage about being true to one's self...don't be someone you aren't, be

There’s this radical concept called personal taste. I, personally, think torn up jeans, harem pants, and acid washed denim are ugly as shit. I think basically everything Kim Kardashian wears is ugly as shit. Plenty of people disagree with me, and that’s ok.

Yeah, seriously. This shit of Jezebel railing against the supposed 1% and judging people for “trying” to look “rich” is just fucking tired. Stop projecting your prejudices onto other people and making assumptions about them, it’s gross.

Holy shit, Dude. It’s clothing. I am a short, chubby white woman from Minnesota, knocking on middle age’s door and I wear Lilly Pulitzer. And I have worn the brand for 20 years. I’m not especially wealthy, nor does my family name grace any building. I just like bright colored clothing in the summer. I’m not a bimbo

the next morning when you asked her about it

I had heard some buzzing around that. I need to look into it because I hope you are right.

As a Canadian who has had whooping cough (I’ve talked about it here before. I contracted it a week before the scheduled vaccination, and even had complications bad enough to require surgery) that lady is a fucking idiot. “It’s whooping cough!” I imagine her saying. “It’s a cough! I’ve coughed before. It can’t be that

Ι Αma Δouche.

Is it possible that some people *actually* don’t like heavy petting in public across the board? Honestly, I would dare to say straight couples are more offensive because they know they can get away with it and push the boundaries of decency (I have never heard one of those weird public sex stories about homosexuals -

I don’t know that advocating for more marginalized ethnic groups to be pushed into low paying careers is necessarily a good thing. Especially when the results are inconclusive as to whether or not it matters at all to the students being taught.

What I cannot wrap my head around (of all things) is that they still live in that same community where this all went down the first time. When I heard that, my brain broke in half, liquified, and dribbled out of my ears.

Say what you will about her, but it’s not easy raising 3 kids on your own.

She’s not a normal mom - she’s a COOL mom.

Mine was not at a school dance, but it was Jr. High at a basement party at the Coolest Girl’s house. I was in 7th grade and really fond of horse jewelry, which should give you a baseline as to my cool factor. I was invited because I was “dating” the kewlest boy in our grade (because we grew up together I guess? Our

I think if a man was bragging about a FWB situation with a woman who came over just to blow him, the overwhelming response would be high fives and "hey, if she's into it, good for both of you!" Same reaction to this woman's situation as far as I'm concerned.

Ah yes, the entirely logical "we don't blame white women enough, therefore they must be guilty" line of logic. Say, have you ever thought about, oh, I dunno, looking at the evidence in the case to determine her guilt or innocence?

"What kind of milk in your latte?"

How Starbucks thought this was gonna go.

I really doubt any of the Starbucks actually wrote on the cups or had conversations. The one I got to (because you may take my life but you'll never take my chai latte!) thought it was hilariously stupid.