
I’m glad you are doing a story on this. I just saw another Facebook post on the weekend for another girl who went missing while possibly hitchhiking. Going to go see if she was found in the end. It’s rarely reported when that happens and I live right on Highway 16. :/

Oh dear god no.

Totally off-topic, but you should change your Gawkername to DeusExMacchiato.

So, to call back to another story on this site about what constitutes a bully, is Schumer the bully here? By the power-dynamic definition discussed there, Schumer was definitely the bully, because she used her power not only to shame this guy, but to send hordes of fans after him in attack mode.

Thank you. I hate that argument.

At the end of the day, the premise of this piece was the same as almost all Gawker thoughts on similar subjects: it’s only wrong if we like the person being attacked. Since Beyonce is Beyonce, anyone who crossed her deserves whatever internet wrath they get. Don’t slut shame unless it’s Rachel Roy. Rape gifs are

TL;DR - It’s not bullying if it’s done on behalf of a celebrity that has been identified by her publicists as the face of modern-feminism and the victim is judged to be a ho.

Sorry, but anyone can bully anyone else. It’s the bullying itself (and the victim’s response to it) that gives the bully power. Not some intrinsic built-in hierarchy.

Your theory is that Rachel Roy couldn’t have been bullied because she isn’t less powerful than all the Beyonce fans coming after her. Maybe if it was one or two, sure. But when you have hundreds, possibly thousands of her fans coming after one person, guess what - they’re the ones who are more powerful. Right now,

You know nothing, HBO

Proper training and regulation! Yay! Integration into the regular medical community! Woot!

BRB barfing forever.

As a father of 2, I simply can not process this. Two and a half weeks?! TWO AND A HALF FUCKING WEEKS?!

But in the testimony it was also revealed that a friend who was a nurse told them it was probably meningitis. That’s one of those run don’t walk to the emergency room situations.

What I don’t get about naturopaths is that they always claim that “back in the old days” people healed themselves with these natural remedies. Well, no. They didn’t. They usually died. They might not die of a little trifling cold or fever (although some did!) but they died in large numbers of diseases that today have

water with maple syrup, juice with frozen berries and finally a mixture of apple cider vinegar, horse radish root, hot peppers, mashed onion, garlic and ginger root

Can someone tell me why there are men and women's restrooms in the first place?

Too bad there are no Targets close to me. I really want to start shopping there. At the very least, I’ll be able to avoid the religious zealots.

If Cleganebowl doesn’t become a thing the whole series is a pointless sham.... kidding... but seriously, Cleganebowl!