I’ve also heard some horrible things about how they treat overweight passengers, too, but none of this shocks me (not that I really need to tell you that either).
I’ve also heard some horrible things about how they treat overweight passengers, too, but none of this shocks me (not that I really need to tell you that either).
I’ll add that I would never hand someone their ass for having issue with a comment of mine. I try to be funny when possible, as some stories are too horrible to comment otherwise than in some form of “this is terrible” but if I overstepped the line, everyone should be free to smack my hand and say ‘bad!’again, I take…
Chanel No. 12 - For when you want to smell like low tide.
As a mom of a child with autism I find it mind-boggling that parents of non neurotypical kids jump on the anti-vax wagon. Because the message of the whole movement is: “It’s better to risk the life of your child than to wind up with one with autism”. It’s so unbelievably disloyal to your children. My son is perfect…
EVEN IF vaccines caused autism- i would rather a child with autism then polio
I think there's a word for sexual contact with someone or some sentient thing that can't consent. And I don't think it's sex.
I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.
Out, out damned spot!
Hats can come in many forms.
what, rather than investing in the very important woke bae column? what do you think this is here, some kind of feminist blog?
Barbie porn is a right of passage.
I had a newspaper when I was ten, together with my twelve year old friend. We covered “environmental issues” in our neighborhood, i.e., writing down how many batteries we found laying around and asking the municipal garbage manager why they wouldn’t compost. We did everything by hand which severely limited the amount…
But apparently swearing at her is totes cool. Ugh. The people of that town don’t deserve her!
“9 year old girls should be playing with dolls, not trying to be reporters”
and my personal v v legit and scientific study:
Hard to be fierce with bank teller hair.
We chose a pediatrician who insisted on vaccines for all patients. Newborns won’t have vaccinations for their first few visits. (The MMR was given at 2, 4, and 6 months when my kids were little). I didn’t want my too-young-to-be-vaccinated baby sitting in a waiting room with a 10 year old that could have mumps or…
There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.
The name is terrible. It might have been better to go with Privilege Awareness Month.