
I live right near Highway 16. I was just discussing this with my uncle over Christmas. He’d recently met with our PM, who then used one of my uncle’s eloquent remarks regarding First Nations during an interview. Most parties are usually only interested in First Nations issues when convenient. Highway 16 needs so much

Be safe, Sinead. So many are rooting for you.

I was just thinking about Dylan Farrow’s letter the other day. It was honestly such a pleasure to find a Jezebel article about a highly important topic and one that resonates with a lot of readers.

Lately, there has been so much Kanye/Kardashian/Jenner/bae/whatever I haven’t even bothered. It’s just ridiculously

THANK YOU. I was so irritated about all of these.

Ingrid Michaelson is looking a lot like Anna Paquin in that photo.

That just sounds like honesty and critical thinking.

I came to the conclusion that the basket contains his lunch.

I love how’s she alone in the picture with a big smile on her face. Because, yeah. If I was in a relationship where I had to go along with my role, I’d be grabbing my basket and my red scarf and taking off, too. ALONE.

I read some comments, and had to leave. I felt like every single comment was so off topic and all about loving the family blah blah.

It will definitely be toxins. It always is.

Yeah. Especially if their ‘beliefs’ include the possibility of killing voiceless people.

These clickbait headlines annoy me, too. Ditto for the number of Beyoncé articles.

Is your dad?

That’s so fucking apt it’s depressing.

Yes! Like....we KNOW people who’ve had polio. I don’t understand why that doesn’t sink in. Ugh.

I will definitely check out the documentary. Thanks for the tip!

I want to star this 100 times. My grandma (who passed away in 2012) was so disgusted and puzzled with anti-vaxxers. I guess if you've never SEEN smallpox you might be under the false impression that vaccines are luxuries. Gross.

My cat’s head is very small. If I can get her to wear a fascinator, am I still a member of this congregation? Am I Hats On Cats Lite, or am I simply an apostate?

I want to star this a million times. I hate that phrase.

I know! You want to shake them and remind them WHY those awful diseases have ceased to exist! I don’t take painkillers unless I have to, but you can bet your ass I get vaccinated. So did my cat. I vaccinated my CAT and these people don’t vaccinate their kids because raspberry leaf tea. MINDBLOWN.

My grandmother was a nurse before and during the Second World War. Before some of the vaccines we have today. She saw people with smallpox. Some of things she saw.....I mean, I just can’t imagine choosing NOT TO vaccinate. Maybe, if vaccines were randomly invented without a history, I could see hesitation and concern.