Detroit 68

How dare you bring this to my attention!

i thiiiink he also hosted a tv talent show? i don’t know which one.

Nicole Kidman’s career choices are so interesting. I like that she’s gone the Jessica Lange route of picking weird projects that allow her to stretch her legs and shine, even if sometimes the roles are small or the projects are super weird.

I feel this way about basically everything Jimmy Fallon does... but not with James Corden. He is pure bff material.

Bobby Finger do you love Younger? I love Younger.

kara brown never stop ever please come over i’ve got a nice bottle of scotch and SO MANY story ideas for you

ALL sorts of people turn into “screw you” types during a divore. And some people will surprise you with how decent they can be. It’s a crap shoot.

Feel free. Also please hire me when I graduate. I don’t think calculations are part of prenups where I live, but my limited clinical experience with family law makes me want to throw a lot of parents in a blender.

I think prenups are romantic! I think it’s romantic to sign a prenup that essentially says “even if one day we hate eachother, I want you to have what is fair when that happens.”

Harry, looks like you’re bored. Come sit on my lap! I mean face! I mean... yeah both of those work actually.

She didn’t care if Katie identified as biracial, that’s true! But she (Robyn) never explained why calling her biracial was wrong, and there was clearly a disconnect. I only learned about the significance of that term recently, so it would’ve been great if she’d been able to explain the significance for (white) people

I was really hoping that Robyn was going to explain why she objects to the term biracial... but no, it turned into a conversation about white guys grabbing ass.

My favourite part is the woman that lives in a very standard suburban McMansion who talks endlessly of etiquette and refers to husband as the “Black Bill Gates”. Sit down, Karen.

Looking at this photo just added “using ATMs” to the list of things I will never do ever again.

Her best movies deal with isolated women, especially Marie Antoinette, so they’re very relatable when you’re sick (even if you’re not a woman, like me).

Um, that Allie Jones story that is buried within the article you link to is AMAZING!!!!!!

Aw fuck! I was waiting for a dramatic conclusion!

See, I would love this dress for the Oscars because lately the Oscars are hella boring. Death to stylists!!! Make them buy their own clothes!!!

It’s like that girl in middle school who was proto-goth but sitll obsessed with unicorns became a couturier. I mean maybe that’s a weird reference but it speaks to me.

The hair is a bit of a let down but that dress deserves a closeup.