Detroit 68

This the entire fucking Western Civilization. We are all lazy and living in a house of cards. This guy’s gonna blow our house down because of Elle fucking magazine? NO THANKS. /goes back to reading tumblr on the clock

Yes. It’s unforgivable.

No! The following year they gave Julianne Moore’s Oscar to Nicole because they felt guilty! They caused a ripple in the space-time continuum with that one.

She stole Nicole Kidman’s Oscar, for starters.

May I just say that Lisa Bloom (her attorney) is a BAMF and you should all go follow her on Twitter immediately.

She grew up with a sexually and physically abusive father, and has struggled with addiction for quite a while, so yeah. I really don’t know if I envy the cards she was dealt.

I’m glad this movie exists because reading this comment made me laugh a great deep laugh that has seemingly cured my all-day hangover.

The male gays are with the female gaze on this one.

This is weird but I had a dream about your username...

Yes, alas...

In the words of Morrissey: as I live and breathe, you have killed me.

Wow, this is a fitting tribute.

Ok so you realize you’re throwing an unintelligible shit fit on the Internet trying to defend a teenage sociopath... right?

Ok, so obviously mens rea is relevant. What I’m getting at is that mental illness only negates mens rea when it precludes the accused from comprehending their actions. So in this case her mental illness and whatever are irrelevant, because she knew what she was doing was wrong.

It seems like she understands that what she was doing was fucked up and that it had legal consequences, so I’m not sure how her mental state is relevant here from a legal perspective.

Gay people, especially useless white males, need to show respect for those that paved the way for them. Imagine Kanye West going up to accept an Oscar and said “I think I’m the first” without acknowledging Sidney Poitier, Denzel Washington... that’s how a lot of us feel about Sam Smith.

Halsey is THE MOST annoying. DO NOT give her your sympathy. She literally begged for this and when you think of the fact that people who are actually famous never complain about this shit, she’s just like.. ugh.

She’s been dirtbag level in one way or another for a while now... I can’t wait for her to get swept away.

Now playing

Halsey stole her life from other artists (especially LDR and Sky Ferreira, who are far more interesting).

She is phenomenal in Fresh Off the Boat. Thank you for reminding me about that show! Off to binge...