Detroit 68

In high school a kid called me "gay" and a Jesuit smacked him on the back of the head, and then told him that "if you want to act like an asshole you're more than welcome to go to public school." I received an excellent education. Not all Catholics are created equal, but some are created fucking amazing.

Actually most models quietly ask to be treated as human beings and you're pretty much guaranteed you will be told to change your body and never expect to be paid.

Totally! Cersei over Danaerys any day!

Fetzer's Gewurztraminer is so good and it's cheaper than this questionably named and priced chardonnay!

More likely Annie Leibovitz has just taken to saying "fuck it, completely, who cares" when putting together composite images.

Hence: overALLs

Totally! When she was clarifying the claims being made against Lisa, Ken was a condescending dick to her. And he and Lisa have always been condescending dicks to everyone. She called him out. Not sure why everyone is so mad about it.

I think she might take Kenya's side as Kenya is more ~Dionysian~ and Brandi's side as Brandi is way more ~Tamraesque~

This season of RHOBH is way too depressing and Kim Richards provides so much amazing comic relief, particularly in her interviews. She is 100% delightful. She is dazzling. Long live Kim Richards.

Tamra Barney is really good TV. I was a little surprised she was CP's favourite, but it makes sense. The things she was saying about the women of Miami were sooooo insane.

Can somebody please have her weigh in on Lisa vs Brandi/Yolanda and Nene vs Kenya? Please?

I think it's fun because I think I know myself pretty well, but it gives you an insight into how strangers who work at Buzzfeed would categorize you based on miscellaneous aspects of your personality. Do they see me like I see me? They totally do.

I AM Gunilla Garson Goldberg, though.

Yeah, that movie where she and Tom Cruise leave the racetrack for the country and end up murdering Sam Shephard. It's my favourite movie. (whoops)

Ok so that's fun but have you actually seen Australia? This is closer to her in Moulin Rouge. Hell, it's closer to her in Days of Heaven.

I literally am a model and as a result also know lots of models and I know what you mean and agree wholeheartedly! I just think Lupita is so radiant and regal and near to perfection that breaking the ice would require a lot of mental preparation. I would also need to prepare myself for inevitably fucking it up and

I agree that she seems like she'd be easy to be friends with, but breaking the ice? Yikes!

In what word is Lupita approachable? I barely feel comfortable calling her by her first name. The mere idea of being in a situation where I could approach her makes me anxious. She seems so polite and fun, but I have a realllllllllly hard time acting like a normal person around someone that beautiful and

I'm not surprised that he was a creep, and I doubt that she was either. However, when he crossed the line into exceedingly lecherous territory, she had the right to leave. And she did. So good for her. Every person has a right to draw a line and say "nope, not here for this." Signing up for one thing, simply because

I love Nicole Kidman forever and always thanks bye.