Because, as you know, “the Bros” are the primary demographic of the site you’re on.
Because, as you know, “the Bros” are the primary demographic of the site you’re on.
A complete unknown would’ve been ideal in my book. First, we need to stop giving the same five Black women all the Black women roles. Second, you don’t want a star to overpower the star they’re portraying, so putting unknowns in biopics usually works out. Third, it’s Nina Simone’s name that is the ultimate draw, so…
Oh, yeah, that’s not. It’s from a conference player of the week press release. It was taken right after a game, hence the jersey and messy hair. I don’t think a mugshot has ever been released.
Precisely why I want to see that dug into. I also wish even just one publication would clarify that he wasn’t going to be a “divinity student” at Harvard, regardless of what his defense team says. He was accepted to Harvard College, where you can take classes *about* religion (like everywhere else) but cannot get a…
Really. I actually wish I’d been creepy enough to have saved some pictures before his friends and family locked down their profiles, because no one ever believes this. His dad has a gigantic white-guy ‘fro and the rapist son is the same.
His mother has their home on the market for $800,000. Can’t be all that poor. His dad is middle-class, but his mother apparently has some family money. I would love to see some more reporting on that.
No, it’s not. I fell down the Facebook hole during the trial and found a million pictures of him and his family. He had the Harry Potter thing all along, minus the glasses. The picture you’ve attached, which is usually called his “mug shot,” is from immediately after a hockey (?) game and has weird lighting. He really…
Eh, it was fair to me. She took a serious issue and tried to milk it for personal publicity. Everyone else protesting kept the focus on the larger community and problem. If he’d gone after anyone more sincere, it would have been a problem. But not Jada.
It was an excellent film. I saw all of the nominees, and to me it wasn’t even close.
When Variety, THR, and Deadline all call out your excessive award-begging, *you are award-begging*. Sorry.
Best Supporting Actress
Fuck, my 2016 resolution was to remember which one is Evans and which is Pine, and I still don't know.
Did he get weirdly cute? I can’t decide. Emphasis probably on “weird” there.
V. disturbed that you obtained this exact transcript of every conversation I’ve had with fellow Millenijews (sp?) since he announced his run. More importantly, Welch's gummies are better.
“Spotlight” won almost every critics’ circle award but will lose because “The Revenant” could afford a huge marketing push. How American is that? UGH.
Fair. But it’s also true that this case has been going on publicly for years now and she’s never even said she’s proud of Kesha for her strength or anything like that.
Det. Munch thanks you for your support!