That’s a perfect photo of Ryan, so frustrated and exhausted. The more he looks like that, the better off [non-1%] Americans will be.
That’s a perfect photo of Ryan, so frustrated and exhausted. The more he looks like that, the better off [non-1%] Americans will be.
“Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?” - Pete Rose Sr
Starred for “Tactical Oral Hygiene Apparatus”
Fortunately he’s had plenty of practice!
Why do you keep perpetuating this “hurricane” narrative when Rush already revealed it as a hoax?
If Title IX didn’t want to be assaulted, maybe it shouldn’t have dressed so provocatively!
She certainly thinks like a man and behaves like a woman, which by itself is fine. The problem is, for her, the man is Charles Manson and the woman is that “cash me outside” idiot.
First class traveling section!
Give the guy a break - he did the best he could as sheriff despite limited resources, thanks to Obama of course. How was he supposed to do his job when he couldn’t even purchase used armored tanks and grenade launchers from the military?
I thought it’d be “Armageon” (no D)
These idiots are wasting time chasing down people for property damage when they could be focusing on the REAL problem: athletes kneeling during the national anthem.
IIRC, it was a “pajama party” at the Playboy Mansion. Unfortunately, that knowledge does nothing to repair the retinal damage sustained by anyone with the misfortune to glance at this monstrosity.
A proposal this shady is sure to lead to a lot of raised eyebrow.
Like Pence, I’m not someone who believes in less monuments. Unlike Pence, I’m someone who believes in FEWER monuments.
More biased reporting from you libtards. There are a few bad apples in this administration, sure, that are violently assaulting Mother Nature, and we should condemn that. But you never hear the Fake News media talking about how Mother Nature is assaulting corporations’ ability to squeeze every last dollar out of our…