Detlef Schrempf Cocktail

Remember when all the LGBTQ people seceded from the United States, declared war on America, then got their asses kicked and surrendered?

Trump is just following the advice of that old saying: if you don’t want to get stung, you have to wake up every morning and throw rocks at the hornets’ nest.

Wait a minute, I thought the Washington Post was FAKE NEWS?

I think the real question here is how do these games rank in terms of how similar each game was to Omar from The Wire.

If Frank has any stones, he’ll trade Austin Rivers tomorrow.

“Some people are getting upset simply over a drawing - what’s the worst that could happen?” - Charlie Hebdo

According to the old saying, this is the same as hiring Ignorance.

“Iron sharpens iron.” Sure, but how do you sharpen nano-bubbles?

Man that was so cool I almost want to start watching MLS. Almost.

The museum director declined to answer questions but did say “thanks for asking!”

The best kinds of lawyers are, of course, bird lawyers.

“All these snowflakes are ruining our country. They pitch a hissy fit whenever things don’t turn out exactly like they planned. Nothing is ever their fault - they can always find someone else to blame for their problems. Whatever happened to having a sense of personal responsibility?” - Clay Travis, sometime in the

Jesus, I hope he doesn’t start applying this logic elsewhere. A policeman shot an innocent person? Well let’s shut down all police departments until we can come up with a plan for policing that everyone agrees on! What could go wrong?

Wow, I guess Chris Paul really wears out his welcome pretty quickly.

I thought The Sopranos was an HBO show?

Ah, now I understand. Well done - it was likely more a comprehension failure on my part than a lack of clarity on your part. Either way, that woman sucks.

That overzealous pearl-clutcher isn’t worthy of punctuation

What an asshole

In totally unrelated news, the 2020 games have been moved to Singapore.

If these workers don’t like their jobs, why don’t they just hire two or three career counselors? Or ask their dad for a job?