Detlef Schrempf Cocktail

“Not all drugs are good. Some of them are great.” - Bill Hicks

What a mural. I never thought Trump would make me think of Slim Charles.

Well, the gap seems bigger than it really is because Ivanka’s salary is zero, although she generally tries to stay out of politics, but she totally has 45's ear, and she is focused on her business, although she is not involved in any day-to-day decision-making Your Honor, but she is a successful business executive

I agree with your whole post, but honestly I gave you a star for the shark-eating-your-foot socks. Awesome.

The real reason the beach was so empty was because everyone got stuck in a huge traffic jam on a bridge.

I’m guessing Trump has simply found a younger, more nubile council.

What’s better than a triangle? Two triangles!

This is not news. Oceania has always owned Time, Inc. - Big Brother himself said so!

Pictured: Andy Reid right after learning the cameraman has eaten the last donut.

The guy on the left seems like your racist uncle who doesn’t vote for female candidates because “what happens when she has lady problems?”

Ainge should just be glad he didn’t get his car kicked.

“I’m very (adjective) about my father’s recent (instance of douchitude)“ - Lonzo Ball tweet

Don’t worry Bulls fans - you may have lost Jimmy Butler, but now you have a guy from noted basketball powerhouse Finland!

Don’t hold your breath.

Philly? I thought they were doin it in Texas

“Tell zem to be sure to bring zeir rings” - Putin

Not trying to equate the two. Just wanted to say that “other people did this bad thing too” is not a valid argument for not reporting on people doing a bad thing. Rape was probably not the best choice to illustrate this.

Holy shit Australia is scary.

Yeah, and they also keep running articles about Baylor players raping, even though players on other teams have raped before. We should just move on and ignore all future rapes because they lack novelty.