Livin In The Fridge!
Livin In The Fridge!
These are hilarious. I love all the names for the swimmer but Scuba Gooding Jr might be my favorite!
I really enjoyed this show.
This show was great! He really does seem like a genuinely good person, and I think that’s a big part of why it works so well.
It’s not for everyone, but if you like to listen to music on acid, there’s nothing quite like D’you Know What I Mean.
To be fair, he never thought leopards would eat his face
Did Tucker Carlson kill 5 hookers in college? If not, why haven't we seen the evidence? I'm just asking questions!
60% less fat than potato chips! TM!
Raekwon’s “Incarcerated Scarfaces” is great, but it bugs me that he mentions 45 twice. Still a good tune though.
Also, her hair attracted far fewer flies!
My first name must be He Ain't Shit, cuz everytime I see 45 I'm like He Ain't Shit!
Vince Neil only did 30 days and he killed somebody!
Do these guys not understand how conspiratorial plots work? They don’t usually involve stating the secret plan DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA.
The party leaders will surely take away the correct lesson from this, right? Right?
“I can imagine it!" - Papa John
He was hilarious in Extras: