Detective Gino Felino

This is not the way to handle a situation where you being accused of very questionable behavior. If there is an innocent explanation, say so. These rants feed into the current perception that Lizzo is an entitled diva. I have loved her music, but she’s going to end up a forgotten person if she keeps this up.

my character being picked apart by people who don’t know me and disrespecting my name. I didn’t sign up for this shit

I think Clarissa was before Dan Schneider’s time? It seemed like the most messed up stuff was all related to him and his buddies

I mean no offense to anyone, it’s just that I’m a special kind of asshole who thinks he’s better than other people.”

I ain’t drunk. But they throwed me off the plane ’cause I’m drunk”

“I refuse to sit next to someone who is considerate enough to wear a mask in public.  I mean, what kind of twisted freak tries to limit the spread of contagions to others?  Who does that?”

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

Yep, the dad’s a multimillionaire and was charged with a misdemeanor for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. 

 A parent who can afford to give their child a Lamborghini, can probably afford an $18M settlement

I tried way to hard to make sense of it and now i have a migraine. Glad to see they didn’t have a medical emergency, though.

Yup, first thought I had too. Like that idiot in L.A. who gave his 17 year old son a Lamborghini Urus who then killed a woman after running a red and plowing into her at 100+. That ended up as an $18M settlement. 

ahhhh gotcha lol deep cut. I was genuinely concerned for a second there. 

Do you smell toast? Because I think you just displayed every other sign of a stroke.

Holy shit what in the actual fuck did I just read?

I have been working with teenagers for 25 years. I have learned to never underestimate the stupidity of people. 

I hope this is the face they use:

I didn’t know about the shit that this guy did until a few weeks ago and yikes. Really creepy stuff. I’m surprised they put him in the Deadwood film. I’m of the mind that someone who gets minors to take nude picture with stuffed animals while wearing cowboy hats or dressed like a Native American should move out to the

i had already kinda deluded convinced myself that he was in it; it’s definitely a good match.
but now i’m yearning for a christopher guest-helmed horror.

It’s strange when a guy who excelled at playing awkward weirdos turns out to be criminally more awkward and weird than we imagined.

I hope we'll get a cameo or something by Geena Davis and Alex Baldwin