Detective Gino Felino

Harvey will never see gen pop. Unfortunately, he won’t be seeing the business end of a shiv, but will remain in protective custody until he completely serves his sentence or until he drops fucking dead of natural causes.

He has indeed addressed that:

“One couple told me ‘Oh we love that song; it was the main song played at our wedding!’ I thought, ‘Well, good luck’. I think the song is very, very sinister and ugly and people have actually misinterpreted it as being a gentle little love song, when it’s quite the opposite.”

Looks like it. Or like Carrot Top, he’s undergone that bizarre muscle injection procedure.

I’m not sure why, but the one brother quietly admonishing the other to “Let your mama talk” is my favorite moment in this.

Absolutely. I could easily see an adaptation of Frank Miller’s and David Mazzucchelli’s Batman: Year One using that aesthetic.

I was fortunate enough to have seen their Philadelphia show. I am very happy to say that not only did he, Cassie and the band play beautifully, but he seemed to be in good spirits.


I know exactly where that is (I live on Court and Degraw) and also can’t help but be reminded of that scene whenever I’m around there. There’s a Cammareri Brothers bakery somewhere in Borough Park (in the 60s I think) but I haven’t a clue if it’s affiliated at all with the Carroll Gardens people.

Definitely fun and interesting to watch, though I stayed well clear of the action. 

Yeah, for the reasons you stated, that’s a venue I try to avoid whenever possible. Also, that night’s opening act, Monotonix, performed frantically in the audience space, sweating and stinking it the fuck up.

I believe that I too was at that second show you mentioned. If it was at the First Unitarian Church, then he did indeed have it together and put on an excellent show with Cassie and the band.

Now playing

Right. I wasn’t a fan of hers prior, but when this occurred, my passing dislike of her turned into loathing.

“how do you have time to read all of these articles and be the top comment on all of them, do you not work?”

Says perhaps the only individual amongst us who notices such minutiae. Do you not work?

I too was a little puzzled until I noticed that his post is from September of last year.

I too was a little puzzled until I noticed that his post is from September of last year.

Hate to break it to you, Jussie, but you’ve irreparably fucked your career dead. If you’re dissatisfied with your salary now, wait until you see how much you won’t be paid from this point on. 

Bullshit. He knew damn well what the fuck he was doing, as evidenced by his attempt to scramble away immediately after grabbing it.

Is it wrong for feeling disappointed that he didn’t receive a much deserved right hook to the face?

It also happens to be irresistibly curb stompable.

Connections and/or perhaps simply like-minded employers.