Detective Gino Felino

No, Leslie. The issue here isn’t sexism as much as it is the fact that your Ghostbusters is nigh-unwatchable, uneven garbage (through little to no fault of your own). Your beef should be with Paul Feig and perhaps the studio, not Jason Reitman.

This is true. Case in point: Small Wonder and Too Close For Comfort (shows that I actually liked as a kid).

Knowing that there are 130 of Mama’s Family makes me want to commit suicide.

Unfortunately very true. It is for this reason alone that I renewed my New York Public Library card despite no longer being an NYC resident.

If anyone deserves a good old fashioned American Doxxing...

The cynic in me is strong, and so I am trying my damnedest to not be reminded of this:

In an effort to appease the PC Police, word has it that they hired noted anti-fat-shaming pioneer Jame Gumb to take the helm.

He really does have a rep for being consistently decent, generous and easy to deal with — one of those “knows and remembers every crew member’s name on set, from the director down to the lowliest PA” guys.

They did, on the short-lived Norm Macdonald series, Norm. I recall Lange discussing his experience with Wright on The Howard Stern show in a very complimentary and respectful manner. He spoke very highly of Wright’s intelligence and sense of humor.

It’s rare that I ever feel the urge to permanently disfigure someone’s face with my fists as strongly as I do when I see photos of Brock Turner.*

*While I do realize that this makes me sound like a complete and utter sociopath, for some strange reason I’m content with that.

Perhaps my favorite line in this interview:

The soap opera actor cast in Reservoir Dogs is Randy Brooks, who played Tim Roth’s fellow cop and buddy, Holdaway. Though I’ve not seen or noticed him in anything else, he did a decent enough job.

I haven’t a clue as to what Jackson would have brought to such a small role, but it I think it’s safe to assume that it

Brief update:

This is indeed true.

If I’m not mistaken, Travis Barker seems to be the only member who isn’t (that is if you don’t count him being a devout Catholic).

I want you to call an ambalaaance and when they get here I want you to tell them what he has had!

Nope. Though I was born during the tail end of Gen X, I do distinctly recall watching it as a child (and being vaguely disturbed by Andy Kaufman’s Latka Gravas).

Now playing

It would be well advised to be careful as to which customers you angrily stalk to the parking lot.