Detective Gino Felino

I love that Questlove made his first appearance in this video (at 1:38).

The gentleman in question happens to be Edward Ruggiero, 58 of Long Beach. Of course, faced with public scrutiny and embarrassment, the cowardly fuckwit denies it:

Fuck Split Enz. Nu Shooz!

As a born and raised Philadelphian, I happen to know that we’ve all smelled of scrapple since time immemorial. It’s in our DNA.

It also happens to be a curb stomping face. Please do forgive me for sounding like a psychopath, but god help this man if I ever see him in person.

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By nature I’m not a violent man, but never before has a jingle made me want to curb stomp the singer as much as this one does:

The woman who appears in the YouTube frame of the State Farm commercial has the most hauntingly dead eyes I’ve seen this side of Paul Ryan.

As a former professional dog walker, my dogs and I lived by Musher’s Secret wax during some rough Brooklyn winters. Not only is it far easier to apply than putting boots on them (which 99% of them loathe and end up kicking off mid-walk anyway), but it effectively and safely protects their paws throughout the day.

This one sums up how I feel at times:

I don’t know if this was mentioned in any of the previous comments, but I now rarely see text or call notifications on my lock screen. Prior to the update, they always had appeared. I’ve called for tech support but to no avail. What the everloving fuck, Apple?

“AaaaAAaaahhh, the French...”

After shooting Reggie Love, Leon used the same words that Cutty used after shooting a man on The Wire (which was what Donnie Andrews, the inspiration for Omar Little said in real life): “I just shot a nigga. Come get him.”

His portrayal of Chris Partlow was nothing less than menace defined — though unlike his partner Marlo, there seemed to be a human being behind those eyes.

Since this video has been picked up by major news outlets and has gone viral, this shithead will be wearing bracelets by end of day if he doesn’t walk his ass over to the nearest precinct and turn himself in.

Method Man also did a fine job on The Wire as Calvin “Cheese” Wagstaff, arguably the most loathsome character among a cast of loathsome characters. His demise in the final episode was so goddamned satisfying that it put a smile on my face.

As a Brooklynite of 14 years, this doesn’t surprise me in the least. That said, if he pulled this shit on the G past Hoyt Schermerhorn or on a Van Cortlandt Park-bound 1 past 116th Street, he would have been carried out of the station on a stretcher or in a body bag by EMTs.

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Absolutely — and though they’re not sitcoms, the theme songs for Knight Rider and Miami Vice are amazing (Knight Rider sounds badass in an almost Doctor Who kind of way):

Not only did Cheers have a great theme song, they had a pretty damn good opening credit sequence as well (despite the creepy lady at the very start).

If only they hadn’t edited down the lyrics:

Making your way in the world today
Takes everything you’ve got;
Taking a break from all your worries
Sure would help a lot.


Nintendo would now have us believe that Mario is no longer a plumber, but a donkey puncher? I call bullshit.