Not only are you incredibly wrong, but I find your post incredibly sad as well.
“Tricked you again, stupid birds! I’m a winner!”
You seem to be really against a show you have not watched.
I’m picturing you on a park bench, reaching in to a bag as the bird approach and then tossing rocks at them.
“Gimme the news, doc.”
Technically yes, but a lot of SF seems to think that “humanoid” is a fancy word for human — like in the old Berzerk video game “Stop the intruder. The humanoid must not escape!”
Is that actually milk in the androids (both here and in Alien)? I always thought it was just white goo. No doubt there is some symbolism there, but I never thought it was actually milk.
raising a crop of humanoid children
I enjoy both shows, but your statement is 100% accurate.
Looks better, sounds better, told better jokes, had a better respect for what it riffed on, so yeah. Better in every way.
Rick & Morty is cynical nonsense. The Venture Brothers actually had something to say.
After 17 years and featuring some of the most ambitious and aspirational storytelling in animation, AS isn’t going to give them at least a 4-episode wrap up? Not even a courtesy season?
Venture Bros. is better than Rick and Morty!
It’s funny because I actually liked The Last Jedi but I still had the same reaction to 9. It just exists...
I didn’t see Rise of Skywalker, but I appreciated rather than ignored your commentary. And I regard Rogue One as the best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back.
Hey, regular folk: You're supposed to give money, not make a video.
*Slowly pulls sleeve to hide "KONY 2012" tattoo*
I hate stuff like the Ice Bucket Challenge. Sure, it's for a good cause, but it's also this generation's habit of having to be special constantly.