
Pfft. “child torture.”

I loved Sabado Gigante! It was frequently brilliant: “Match the plant with its Latin American country of origin and win a prize!”

Johnson made the one black guy be the “funny” sight gag.

After The Last Jedi, I was done even trying to care about Star Wars at all.

They unveiled the new logo.

Sure. Why not?


FACT: Tim Matheson was the voice of Jonny Quest.

oh, ffs.

Amateurs. That’s why you always kiester the cocaine coffee beans, so when they search your butt, they figure it’s just coffee.

What if I butt-chug it? That’s gotta cancel out the bad parts, right?

Find the elephant in this picture

It’s like he’s trying to gaslight himself.

The wheaaaambulance has 3 other calls, Bari. Sorry for the delay.

Fred's more of whatever Mike Pence is.

Yah, yeah... We’ve all seen these Last Jedi outtakes. Where's the Pokemon trailer?

I wonder how much money Trump promised him in exchange for running.

How does this “help?”

Wait until he sees his first $2 bill.