
It’s a Texas thing. I grew up on the Gulf Coast, just a few miles from Galveston. It was a big deal. We’d have a cookout with ALL the neighbors every year.

IMO, one of Richard Pryor’s most underrated performances.


Ask yourself: am I letting my fear of what other people might think get in the way of REALLY LIVING?

You duct tape some dildos to some pool noodles and everybody just goes to town.

I can picture it:

Yeah, Tucker... start snappy internet beef with Patton Oswalt. Do it!

Two FBI officers read me my Miranda rights and told me that they “just wanted to talk.”

“virtually" is the key distinction here.

He'd just make Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz go handcuff themselves to the doors of Twitter headquarters in protest. Pence would be put on a hunger strike.

The Huffpo had an article this morning about Barr basically assembling an ad hoc secret police force from different agencies to quell protests. One of the disturbing trends that people are seeing in some parts of the country are security forces in weird uniforms with no identifying insignia on them that would indicate

You. Are. Fucking. Kidding. Me.

Because it’s a record company behind it, and new media is released on Tuesdays. [Shrug]

Would you call Cars a “Pixar Movie", though?

[cringe] Is it, though?