
he is a spiderman, his reflexes are better then yours.

Why is Spider-Man crawling on the train tracks in that top pic? Doesn’t he know that’s very unsafe?

I agree completely!

Somebody needs to remember to come back and tell you you were wrong in a week or two. You know, just in case you didn’t know. Wrongy McWrongerton.

Holy shit, the remainder of this comment thread is just going to be people correcting you. I’m sorry.

Somebody’s feeling the power of the dark side (i.e., nerd rage). Hope you can even find this sympathy comment under all the others.

I think you have to sign up for them to be delivered by email.

God damn that’s some pottery.

No, never.

This is terrible and I definitely cackled.

I was willing to extend the benefit of the doubt right up to “simply because he’s a man.”


How is any of this car news!

You know the, “Are you coming to bed?” “I can’t- someone is wrong on the Internet...”

The original release did not have episode number on it.

So continued relevance is seeking Paris Hilton?

You mean “The Adventures of Luke Starkiller as Taken from the Journal of the Whills: Saga One: Star War”