
God damn that’s some pottery.

This is terrible and I definitely cackled.

I was willing to extend the benefit of the doubt right up to “simply because he’s a man.”


How is any of this car news!

So continued relevance is seeking Paris Hilton?

I was raised by a working single mom. Nudies provided my Pop Rocks money.

I can see that your household stress the importance of teaching microeconomics early.

The set I’m afraid. In retrospect I realize I should have charged per.

It was mostly other girls asking me. I didn’t set the prices. :-P

25 cents for boobs, 50 cents for penises.

“We don’t masturbate nor poop”

I made a lot of money in the 5th and 6th grades selling my drawings of naked parts to the other kids at school. 25 cents for boobs, 50 cents for penises. I never had to promote my work either - I always got asked.

I care.

women are sexually repressed. We don’t watch porn either. We don’t masturbate nor poop, also.

Sipowitz no one cares about your boner

Oh that ain’t right! WHY would you say something like that???? You should be ashamed!

Next up is an op-ed from Colonel Sanders entitled “Put down the drumstick, Fatso”.