If I want to know what NAFTA is about, Jalopnik is the last place I would get my information from.
If I want to know what NAFTA is about, Jalopnik is the last place I would get my information from.
Liberals being violent, censoring, conspiring, colluding, committing fraud, paying agitators, getting millions from special interests. What else ?
You have declared an open war against the American people and the only reason no one is fighting back is they are waiting for the November results. If I were a liberal and…
Mr. president should think of the 1.1% growth in economy. The rise of terrorism. The invasion of illegal immigrants. And all the corruption, before thinking about the elections.
All men think that way. Not everybody has strong secret ties with Wall Street and countries that deny human rights to women, like Hillary does.
No one gives a rat’s ass about your political opinons.
Gawker the sewer is gone and so are you.
Bill Clinton gave pardons to drug dealers after they donated to the Clinton Foundation and it was negotiated by Hillary’s brother.
Bye bye, cuckies. Will be drinking your tears in November.
Yours truly,
a deplorable. 😘
I repeat :
Where did anyone accuse an entire race of pedophilia ? Please answer.
This is “Shady” ? How about being funded by Soros, Saudi princes who rape children for fun and who fund terrorism all over the world, or even the entire sinister group of Wall Street ? Hillary is funded by those. Doesn’t that bother you ? Hmmm, I guess you just like the prospect of living under a brutal dictatorship.
They are going to disappear just like Gawker. These are completely talentless people who believe their sacred mission is to engage in an anti-Trump Jihad. But they are nothing but pathetic human beings with a blog.
Don’t worry : he doesn’t need you, pleb.
So ?
So he’s bad because he’s a white silicon Valley tech millionaire. But all the other white silicon valley millionaires who fund Clinton’s campaign are ok ? Liberal logic, you can only understand it if you are a liberal.
Also, your self-commenting is beyond pathetic. Typical liberal weakness.
So ? What is this supposed to mean?