Destruction Industries

So What ?

Hillary and her supporters can get funding from the most sinister people such as Soros, Radical Muslim Princes, all of Wall Street, and that’s OK ?

Liberals are quick to accuse Trump of being a fascist for nothing, but you are the ones wishing we lived in a brutal dictatorship where anyone who doesn’t think

If that’s what really bothers you, and not the fact that refugees from the middle east or their children are killing your fellow Americans, then you deserve to die, or Sharia.


Never mind Eric Trump. It seems Hillary and Hitler are of a similar mind.



Now playing

Here’s a video proving the rally was massive :

And the whole rally (massive) :

And this

There you go. You know nothing about anything and you are already accusing cops. Hahaha, liberal scum. Don’t mind calling 911 if someone enters your bedroom to rape you.

So... let’s start inquiring about the color of his skin ?

One word :


No one gives a shit. Bye bye Gawker. Hahahaha looooseeers !

The saddest part (for you) about this disgusting article is that you will be devastated a month from now, when Hillary dies because of her poor health and Trump becomes president by default. That’s gonna hurt sooooo much (to you) and people like me will laugh. Oh we will laugh so hard.

So ? It’s a fallacy to mention another unrelated accident, you know that, don’t you ?