What, no horns? Sad! If I had done this statue it would have been 300% classier
What, no horns? Sad! If I had done this statue it would have been 300% classier
Seriously fuck you and fuck Univision Deportes Kotaku. Every site has been cucked. Jalopnik is now shit and now you fucked Kotaku too with your political leftist bullshit.
The lad started from nothing and invented a device which made him a near billionaire. Your seething jealousy and envy is palpable.
And how exactly is any of this relevant? What business is it of yours what the CEO of a game company does with his money?
Free Speech!!.....As long as its Liberal.....
White blogger uses his own ancestory as an insult unaware of his white guilt.
How much do you gawker sites get paid per anti-Trump post?
White Silicon Valley rich guy’s politics don’t coincide with yours! More at 11!
I’m so terribly triggered by this hopefully pultzer-winning gaming story that I’m literally trembling in my tights.
He had a great idea and put it to work. Worked out great for him. What have you done?
And Obama continues to ignore it as of this morning.
hopefully he’s alive long enough to sing like a bird and sink to the bottom of the ocean. Piece of shit.
“Can a feminist blog and the first female nominee really not have a serious, substantive discussion?”
Tesla would remotely connect to your car and pull all the logs, then send you a letter stating that the Summon Feature is not really intended to do what you'd expect it to do because it's in beta phase and wind was blowing from west instead of east...
it may be limited to 2 to 3 mph but what happens when it autosummons into the roadway and you get clipped by a car at 35 mph. Stupid people make mistakes and it has already happened
Entrusting your kids life with Telsa’s Tech.