
The idea of a trilogy not even getting the vaguest of an outline before they started writing is mind boggling.

Some of this stuff has been answered in the supplemental material. Laurie and Dan were arrested for violating the Keene act and killing Timothy McVeigh.

We should get more seasons but they should not be direct continuations of the first. For instance I’d love to see a season built around Dan and being a vigilante in prison, what lead to him deciding to break the Keene act, etc. 

We really shouldn’t be surprised Looking Glass was single mindedly focused on Ozymandius’s crimes at Karnak. Rorshach was the exact same way, and what is a looking glass if not a mirror?

Thoroughly impressed by this ep, and just wasn’t my taste.

Wow. Everything connected beautifully at the end. I like how the final scenes wasn’t some crazy ass action sequence but a conversation between an estranged grandfather and his granddaughter.

“The best course of action, though, is to realize the movie or show in your head isn’t real”

The obvious answer is that it stands for “Dr. Manhattan”..

3 things

My take on Manhattan has long been that he isn’t as locked into a predestined series of events as thinks he is. He just lacks perspective and self awareness thanks to his perception of things. He’s locked in on reliving all the bad shit that’s happened to him, and all the bad shit he’s done. He refuses to engage with

Uh...I’m not so sure your first point holds much water. The guy was a nuclear physicist BEFORE he gained omniscience. He’s not dumb - he just doesn’t care and he can do whatever he wants.

Bah Gawd! That’s Ozymandias’ music!

“What weird bullshit is Veidt doing?” has been a great show-within-a-show along the same lines as the Tales of the Black Freighter.

It’s still a connection they could make. I mean where did the 7k get Veidt’s teleportation and intrinsic field tech?

One could make an argument that maybe Dr Manhattan maybe in a way is rather dumb , that he genuinely believe tomatoes grow on trees, that the gamekeeper is the top of any intelligence he could have created and that he actually out pure stupid did believe he did a favor for Veidt.

So, Adrian is the Star Child from 2001...?

Ms. Crookshanks (the one acting as his lawyer) winks at him during the trial before he’s found guilty, so I think putting in the horseshoe was definitely purposeful.

It must be something Force-related. Palpatine went out of his way to extinguish all the good in himself. Maybe Vader never fully went there.

You know, I never really understood the “there is good left in him” thing from Star Wars.