Exactly. It’s almost like context exists.
Exactly. It’s almost like context exists.
He “follows” a friend of mine as well. A random Canadian with basically no followers and who barely ever tweets. I assume he had some follow bot in the early days that keyed in on keywords or something and they just never updated it. I bet there are a bunch of really weird follows in his list.
I just want to enjoy things again...
Good to know. That might be the final straw I need to make the switch to FF.
Couple of things...
For real. It’s somehow in contention for “weirdest” and “most boring” headline of the year.
“What’s with these homies dissin’ my girl?
So what happened to Kevin Smith?
“Hot” take: Marchand is an exceptional hockey player. A man whose skill, perseverance, and work ethic have not just made him successful, but literally made him one of the best hockey players on Earth. He’s also insanely entertaining to watch (which is kind of our thing here, no?).
This is absolutely incredible. Destroying the 2 hour barrier like that is wild.
When you watch a Home Run Derby, you aren’t there to see how these hitters would do in-game
I love a good batflip but surely we can all agree you look a little silly carrying your bat with you to first base as you wait out your pop fly, so that you can flip it 10 seconds later when the play is over.
And we don’t even have “fastest losers”anymore! There all gone. We sent them away and replaced them with “fastest non-automatic qualifiers”! Can you believe that one?
The definition of the word “lie” includes intent and knowledge though, right?. At least the way I was taught it (and the way it seems to be written in most dictionaries). I’m very happy to be proven wrong, but isn’t that true? And if it is, reporters can’t use it without sufficient proof that those conditions are met.
For some reason, in the past few years people have generally accepted that lying requires the actor to be aware that they’re saying things that aren’t true.
haha Fair I guess.
You’re right, it’s everyone born after 1965 who is wrong.
This is great stuff. I love that the world generally seems to be becoming more...whimsical? Adults doing things that bring them joy that literally one generation ago would have been mocked/scorned/etc.
Great movie, great scene...not sure he was great in it, but still, a lot of fun to watch.
I’m not sure why people think I haven’t seen him in other things, it’s kind of hard to miss him.