
Nobody really knows what the fuck they’re doing.

Nebsker is commenting on your prediction for 1080p30 on-the-go, which would contradict your predition of a 720p screen. It was a boring comment, as you clearly meant 720p30.

How tf is it going to play 3DS games without dual screens tho

Correct. A Japanese is the politically correct demonym for a Japanese person. Same as a Chinese, a Taiwanese, etc. It’s a direct corollary to an American, a Mexican, and so on. Hesitance to use the term is an over-correction.

I quit once I realized the devs had no idea what they were doing with competitive mode. No loss.

Wow — everyone in this thread couldn’t be more wrong. All these people fumbling around to make things up for what? To look smart on the internet? (not directed at you vidikron 7) Maybe people can take 20 minutes to read a wikipedia article or two instead of aimless guessing.


The way I play with my son is we set up splitscreen on the living room TV and play with Xbox 360 pads on PC. That way we can play together in the world and don’t have to mess with m/k controls. Since we run a local multiplayer server, mom or friends can join in from a laptop.

Yeah its similar to audio but more complex because it is in two-dimensional space domain instead of time, but the basic premise is the same. i.e., instead of Hz (cycles/second) it is pixels per square area. So nyquist rate sets the number of sampling pixels necessary to acquire 1080p image without loss, or 2160p

I have an ogre toon in FF14 that I turned into a sexy Amazonian redhead giant. It took a lot of effort to make her face conventionally attractive.

I usually do too. It’s good you are accepting there is something more to it. Role-playing a he-man is so cliche.

Well, now you know (or already did know) the scientific form of your argument. “The sampling rate of Playstation VR is not high enough to sample 1080p, which will cause aliasing because of the Nyquist theorem.” If they can’t understand, they are the ones who are not well-educated enough. You’re good.

I’m assuming this is all in good fun? Clearly Trebek was joking. I hope this faux-feud gets us a few good memes.

Haha so true. I’be been playing a female since EQ beta and get free shit all the time. I presume, similarly to how some men approach trans-gendered women, some guys know and don’t care, or even prefer it.

Nah its fine, most PC players are terrible, but it does limit your picks.

The original 360 controller had the worst dpad though. Xb1 got it right.

This is fantastic. I tried playing Overwatch with the SC but it just doesn’t cut it. Give me dual analog with gyroscope precision and it opens up the whole game to couch play!

Willfully obtuse? Yeah, you’re just a dick.

Willfully obtuse? Yeah, you’re just a dick.

“I think the associate commissions outweigh integrity”

“I think the associate commissions outweigh integrity”