
The fact that we’re seeing the late stages of a collision—an extremely transitory episode by cosmological standards—suggests that events like these are common. Kepler has observed around 100,000 stars so far, but there are about 100 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. “Therefore, if we observed one star which had

How to clear your gmail of unread emails:

This seems like it should work with LCD screens then but it doesn’t. Anyone know why?

LOL what a trainwreck. She did it again, and still hasn’t fixed the article.

Reposting because apparently Ms. Alexandra can’t handle being called out on being wrong and dismissed me, and it’s important enough to point out for other readers:

“Individuals found liable for ignoring a cease and desist can face thousands of dollars in fines.”

functionality advances?


Out of literally 7 billion reasons that Nintendo is terrible, my most relevant reason is that I own a Wii U.

I think it’s more like using a long putter in Golf, or adding a turbo to your racing car. The equivalent of doping would be Adderall.

The 3DS needs to have custom firmware to work so I’m good.

Yeah that’s the idea. Nintendo hasn’t won anything in court, they just filed a DMCA notice. You can google for more info on that if you want to know what it means, but basically Github has to comply until the TheCruel objects to it.

Full digital versions of everything except for a few that the scene didn’t have title id’s for (Zelda Picross, for example). It was like downloading roms but easier.

You can see the shiny metal gearing moving at around 4:30 in the video.

Eh what? That-omission is extremely easy and rigidly prescribed. It exists in both British and American English.

You think the Germans aren’t right wing af right now? The nazis are fucking galvanized.

The sentence is pretty clear. Here are the (valid) omissions:

Your strikethrough is terrible and difficult to read.

That’s a great point. I’d guess that the cons you described are outweighed by the advantages. Simple.