But it is symmetric? Look, the tweet with the centerline drawn in even shows it: the left half has a white outline with a red fill, and the right half is mostly white with a red left-border.
But it is symmetric? Look, the tweet with the centerline drawn in even shows it: the left half has a white outline with a red fill, and the right half is mostly white with a red left-border.
LOL what a trainwreck. She did it again, and still hasn’t fixed the article.
Reposting because apparently Ms. Alexandra can’t handle being called out on being wrong and dismissed me, and it’s important enough to point out for other readers:
Purchases are tied to your Nintendo ID which is tied to your system. If you lose your system, Nintendo can re-attach your Nintendo ID to your new system. Although, I haven’t called NOA support in a few years, the times that I did have to contact them was a pleasant experience.
To counter that though, if you create a lock that can very easily be jimmied. Don’t be surprised when folks jimmy it.
you’re probably the one writer I still respect on Kotaku
Smash is a party game, not a fighting game! *waves cane angrily*
Rubio and Bush could have beaten Trump? Those two were as feckless as they come, which is why they were made to look like idiots at every turn.
Yep. I’ve been saying for over a year that pushing Hillary would be a mistake. But even now so many people are refusing to learn from it.
I will see how the first 15 go and then decide.
Maybe these jokes are made specifically to trigger people like yourself
Yes, it is now “Gizmodo Media Group” IIRC. Owned by Univision.
You got a star for the first half. The second half is wrong. Half-Life 1 was released, and revolutionized the genre. 6 years later, it had been left behind (except for Counter-Strike). Then, HL2 came out, which revolutionized the genre again. It can be done, it just needs to be done correctly.
Neverwinter Nights wasn’t an MMO or 8-bit...
Ana: “Gerard was a fool to have trusted you...”
Agreed. Mighty No 9 was my first Kickstarter game and this was my 2nd. I enjoyed MN9 and didn’t see what all the hate was about until I played this gorgeous game! It makes MN9 look like a soulless husk of a cash-in while this game is so obviously a labor of love.
Which amazing games are created thanks to the Cryengine? Because I don’t know any...
Please direct us to the real Ellen Page porn.