
It’s because an hour is 60 minutes.

No. Seconds don’t have anything to do with it. That’s 60 + 45 = 105. Minutes.

It’s because an hour is 60 minutes.

That’s 60 + 45 = 105. Minutes.

By the way 1:45 is 105 minutes

Screenshots are a little rough you should watch a youtube video

crt-royale has some kind of refresh effect, but it doesn’t work well at my 768 resolution. If you can do 1080 it might be what you’re looking for.

i only play torb

lol wut?

Nah, this looks rough. The filters look way better in motion. The jaggy unfiltered shit looks terrible.

That’s just laziness lol. If you wanted your games to look close to original as possible, it takes a bit more work than that. Doom looks great the original way because that’s how it’s supposed to be displayed :)

You can do a lot about the input lag with a few choice settings

Yeah, that’s exactly why the NTSC modulation in modern emulation is superior in many ways. It can produce the gamut shift and necessary artifacts while preserving signal clarity. In fact, even the original Blargg’s NTSC filter (now quite outdated) provided options for signal clarity.

Yeah, everyone has their preferences. Some preferences are terrible, but they are still preferences. Obviously, these game designers never intended for pixels with corners to be displayed to the gamer. They were always supposed to be softened and rounded. NTSC does introduce some artifacting, but without it you

It’s not about retro authentic, though that’s part of it. This generation of games was designed for the televisions of its time, and they lose details, colors, and even special effects if they are presented unfiltered. Here is some more info:

Actually they did design the games around the NTSC signal modulation. That’s why Sonic’s waterfalls don’t look transparent in emulators (they turn into weird vertical dashes instead of transparent waterfall), and why the castles in FF6 are tinted pink in emulators (ntsc causes a color gamut shift that the games were

The NES mini is cool but why would anyone want to view an unfiltered NES output on HDMI? That’s literally the same thing as staring at your own butthole with a magnifying glass. CRT simulation plus NTSC signal modulation is where it’s at.

Hmm, i think you’re doing it wrong. Try some cheat codes.

ZL confirm would have been nice too. But it really is fantastic. They took the best parts of dq7 and made it into dq8. If you have *hax on your 3ds, search up the “undub” version that re-adds orchestral soundtrack from the JP version to the game.
