desolationangel is fallen

While you make a valid point, I submit that an Oktoberfest lager is an option, and also that maple is a spring flavor fwiw.

Meh, everything has its purpose. Clear vinegar is a good cleaner- for certain things. Great for polyurethaned floors, as it evaporates very quickly, gets rid of smells and buildup. Also good for cleaning the residues off clothes in the wash (e.g. Excess soap). Use it for things that need to be clean but not

No but that thing with the potatoes and broccoli and cheese. I would like one or three of those now.

Yup. Also, sick of hot takes from people who have never even BEEN to Houston.

Yeah, Houston is the fourth largest city in the country, full of minorities, and generally goes blue. You could say the same about many states- red rural and suburban, blue cities. Not everyone can live in the northeast or on the west coast.

I’m from Texas. The arrogance is striking, to say the least. Houston is incredibly low lying and it’s only going to get worse over the coming decades.

From what my family in Houston are saying, it’s when it comes back as a rain event that they’re concerned with.

Yup, the problem is that you can’t reason with these people. I’ve been trying for 30 years. But I’m not on the TV, and I’ve been brainwashed by higher education and spending time overseas, so I don’t count.

Yup it’s an ethnic slur!

It is becoming more common in all doctor situations. I cut myself badly s couple years ago trying to split a bagel. I was light headed and wanted my partner to also hear what the Doc had to say. But first they had to take me aside, and make sure he wasn’t somehow responsible.

I very rarely bake, but this Tuesday morning I got up stupid early and made muffins. Used the Rumford baking powder that I probably need a new can of. Now realize this was a miracle, since I baked a fresh thing before going off to a ten hour day at work.

You can but only if the customer specifically asks for it. Consumer protection ftw. I assume a vegan restaurant (and there are a couple, mostly Madison and Milwaukee) is automatically telling you you’re not getting butter.

Yup, my mom served only canned or frozen veggies aside from the odd onion (which I’ve always loved), and went only to crappy chain restaurants, and when I was young I “hated vegetables.” Until I went on a trip with my dad’s more worldly parents and encountered restaurants that served real, actual food. I’ve eaten

I would have loved to. But I would have sent my mother to a mental institution had I not worn a fairy tale dress. There’s a lot of emotional and familial bullshit tied up in weddings.

Mine was just over 10k, and it was bare bones casual. Any time you’re having a party for 100 plus people it gets expensive, and familial expectations come into play. My dress was probably the cheapest wedding dress resembling thing around. It was $500, and up close you could tell how cheaply made it was.

Try a few grand? And wedding dresses have to be ordered on a VERY strict timeline. Many styles are made on demand, and then there are often multiple rounds of alterations.

Good advice.

I have 750 square feet and honestly it’s plenty although it might be nice to finish the attic. Having a decent yard helps.

We have stained glass and flying buttresses, so we don’t need that shit. We bring em in with the sweet smell of incense and free wine.

Right? You could read YM as long as you felt guilty about it after.