desolationangel is fallen

So, my sweet, sweet papa was diagnosed with a (non-Alzheimer’s) form of dementia a couple of years ago.

He’s been declining steadily since then, losing first more obvious skills like driving, through mid-level skills like understanding time and dates and applying that knowledge to the present situation, to forgetting

Hello lovely Jezzies! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support last week when I was worried about my Samwise’s liver. Good news! Ultra sound came back showing absolutely no problems- no shunt, nothing. The bile acid test seems to have been affected by some “sludge” in his gallbladder, and the

Forget the scales. Keep being good to yourself, keep working out. I you do so, three months from now, you’ll see a difference in the mirror, even if the scales show the same digits. Muscles weigh more than fat, so weighing oneself is not a reliable method to answer burning questions such as: “How do I look?”, let

uuuuuuuuuugh I JUST turned 50 and would be so into this and am so far away in southeast TX. the people my age and older go to bible study when they’re not cheating on their spouses

Welp, Paris planning has been an adventure lately.

I’m forever Grey but maybe someone will pity me. I started the handmaids tale on Hulu last week, like years after everyone, and I need to talk about it. Please Jezzies. What I need to know is, have I already stayed too long in the United States? Like, is gilead upon us? Or am I just feeling it really intensely

Same. My dress looked a lot like Kat’s, but everyone else was wearing tulle ballgowns with crop tops.

This all happened six years ago, so maybe there weren't dustless vacuums at the time?

A couple of weeks ago I joined the gym for the first time in my life (at 29) and this week I went 3 times! I was so self conscious the first time I went because I’m an excessive sweater and I’m pudgy and everyone else is so buff but I’ve realised no one cares. And I achieved gymming 3 times in a week despite the fact

I finished week four of cardiac rehab. Eight to go. Will I get better, is the question, or will I continue on with heart damage that will not heal. IDK, kittens.

Duckling went to Colorado and met their long-distance girlfriend, and you guys THESE KIDS ARE TOO CUTE:

Today is abortion day. It’s been a weird couple of weeks, realizing I was pregnant, having the absolute certain feeling that I can NOT have a baby right now, and figuring out all of the logistics to make this happen. My insurance doesn’t cover the procedure and I don’t qualify to have it done for free at Planned

I don’t have a mom anymore. She died last Saturday morning after only two days in hospice. Over the past four months we made 7 trips to Houston (14 flights), 7 rental cars, 9 airbnbs...I worked so hard to get her top notch treatment and it just wasn’t enough. If you have a great mom - like I did - call her and tell

It’s time for the Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this week that is particularly amazing, big or small? Tell us about it so that we can marvel in your awesomeness!

Especially in soil!

FYI, you can get a shot immediately after a skin-breaking wound and it can be effective too, if something happens and you still haven’t had a booster. Just go to an ER or urgent care center and theyll give you it.

When my best friends had a baby, I went to a clinic to get a whopping cough vaccination. The nurse explained to me what a Tdap shot was, and asked me when my last tetanus booster was. Uhhh… no idea. We figured it was when I was 18 and headed to college, because that was the last time anyone would have suggested it.

And just a reminder everyone - if you haven’t had a booster tetanus this would be a good time to do it! I think they last 10 years? My son-in-law, in law enforcement, was bitten hard on the thumbnail ( still black after 8 weeks) by a perp who was fighting arrest - not only did he need a tetanus booster but a hep

I have a friend whose husband will not eat any kind of adult food. He eats chicken tenders (dry), a fried chicken sandwich (cheese only), french fries, a hot dog (plain), or an unseasoned steak, and basically that’s it. Not even mashed potatoes, or a baked potato, or au gratin potatoes. Nothing. It’s unbelievable to

yea, agreed. i love jezebel, but stop w da mommy bashing. my boys are sh*t! hilarious, smart, witty kids that light up my life... they are so freaken cool. yea they're work (more in the very early years) but damn are they my crowning achievement! they freaken brilliant! and they are HUMAN! shoot, yea, you wrote