
You really seem to be going into these episodes expecting not to like them, looking for things to pick apart. It feels like that more & more with each episode you review.

It checks out. As a Gen X who grew up in the 70's SoCal accurately depicted in Boogie Nights, Licorice Pizza immediately evokes driving to the cool neighborhood to buy records from hip and possibly criminal sales staff.

And got a much better one.

I don’t get some of the criticism about consequences here since, as you mention, they’re clearly setting up a confrontation with Nate. Ted Lasso has clearly set up a world where there aren’t global consequences, it’s about the personal relationships and conflicts of the characters. The effect of relegation I don’t

No thanks. I’ve lived among and seen enough of this human form of American Capitalism Milquetoast long enough. At least the family in “Succession” offers levels of layered and entitled depravity.

I feel like surprisingly few people are just saying: British shows have christmas specials. In the review of the episode the reviewer says that those shows are one-offs...this is incredibly not true. Doctor Who regularly puts game-changing events into the Christmas Special, and nearly every Christmas Special has to

Save for him first asking, they invited him. He went from “we need the dead weight” to encouraging  him to participate because the kid proved himself and they needed him. Kind of a hard diss to call it cultural intrusion when it just boiled down to rowing an outrigger canoe.

Anyone who’s ever met rich people has met Rachels, and it was great to see this look at how they come about. Some trophy wives couldn’t care less about how much of a jerk their rich husbands and just bang a tennis pro on the side, but others just can’t get past it. I see Rachel having a kid thinking that will give her

The ending with the dorky white male teenager returning to the island like he’s some kind of enlightened being who’s not capable of being a destructive colonizing force is ridiculous to me. He will always have mommy and daddy’s money to prop him up. Felt a little Mary Sue-ish IMO.

I think she was more talking about Kai being arrested. I’m not sure she feels that deeply about the history of Hawaii’s native people.

I don’t know if it would’ve crossed my mind but Olivia (not that she’s reliable) said “Asperger’s” and while she could just be being shitty, I’m not convinced by Nicole’s immediate refusal that it’s not true. He honestly reminds me a lot of my older brother who’s on the specturm.

Yes, this is the big thing the show asks you to suspend your disbelief on—that how in the world did Rachel fall in love with Shane. I did it a few episodes back and am greatly enjoying that story. Alexandra Daddario is a fantastic actor.

Fun, tense episode. It says something (I’m not sure what) that as awful as these characters are, I’m kind of rooting for them. Except for Shane of course. And Olivia.

Agree on Tanya. She is 100% going to fuck over Belinda. Most of the reviews/recaps treat Tanya gently, as though she’s just a sadsack pity-case. But she’s not good. She’s self-centered, and we’ve just not seen the extent of it yet because it’s been hidden under her layers of stunted emotional growth, immaturity, and

Everyone’s story in the White Lotus is about being connected to disconnection. Rachel’s story is the upshot of that.

Lol citing Greenwald

The story will follow the investigative reporter I.M. Fletcher (Hamm)" 

Gotta admit, I never realized that the nerd-mensch from Queens Gambit was also old Duddikins.

Because Chekhov.

Another possible plot hole: we see Ryan steal the gun, shoot Erin, then return the gun all seemingly in the same night. And late at night at that. If that’s the case, is Powell just going into his tool shed multiple times a night to look at his gun? Because the way he described the missing gun to Mare, it sounded like