
Just don’t fuck with and/or upcharge for the Champions League games. That and NWSL are legit the only reasons I pay for this (which makes me think I should give it a little vacation for a couple weeks).

Before my early-teen daughters freak... what are they doing with Nickelodeon material. I know there’s the (ugh)

Cancer: The Hardest Eight of All,” a PSA from PTA.

I certainly remember news stories circa fall ‘19 and early ‘20 where crowds were super low at both, highlighted by the underwhelming turnout at Star Wars (granted, DCA, but I remember it reflecting that both parks were way down). BUt maybe it bounced back pre-COVID (I haven’t lived in CA for 6 years now, so I don’t

I hope so... I left the biz in the late ‘90s/early ‘00s (never came back from the siren call of the dot com world) and too many coworkers identified with that movie then.

Huh. Growing up in So Cal it was all melted, all the time. Moving to the Midwest brought those two distinct (and only) butter seasons.

Midwest? Midwest!

I look forward to Broadcast News next time

Uncle Frank was one of those lovely little “This looks interesting” films on Prime. At the very least, I hadn’t heard any buzz about it.

It was a little too on the nose (come on, it’s Alan “Sledgehammer to the Face” Ball how could it not be), but in a context that was different enough to make it interesting. That it

At first I thought this series would sort of be a Marvel take on David Lynch’s “Rabbits.” After reading this, it sounds like a Marvel take on David Lynch’s “All My Children.”

Rowling’s toxicity isn’t helpful, but gotta think Cyberpunk is more to blame for this. And that’s a good thing. Make a good game. An open world Harry Potter game sounds fun as hell, even for people like me who don’t live the books/movies. Like the stuff at Universal. I’m sure super cool for uber fans. Just regular

It’s pronounced EXcretus, not exCREtus.

Not sure that explains why DL was a ghost town even before the pandemic... Costs are outrageous for everyone, as the Tom Wombsgans at every media megalith corp tries to extract as much as possible from the theme-park/cruise-line/canned cheese divisions.

As someone who definitely was part of the mid-90s rush you mention

The headline of this article proves that you can take four things that are individually enjoyable and combine them into a Voltron of almost-certain insufferability.

I’ll probably torrent it.

For what it’s worth, Cities is a RAM hog no matter how much RAM you throw at it. Drove me so crazy that I took it off my computer, played it on a cloud server for a while and even then it would get sluggish.

MAGA: Finishing what Jefferson Davis started.

An enormous blow-up of that picture greets you when you enter the double-wide in which it will be housed.

2020 won.

The rest is just dealing with consequences of what the number is saying.

Yeesh. Bad copy editing is the plague of modern times.

I mean, his entire life has been a perverted mash-up of “Bonfire of the Vanities” and “The Music Man.” So why the fuck not? “Trump: The Musical.” More Tonys than “Hamilton,” who wasn’t even born in this country. A lot of people don’t know that and are just finding out now.

I do think you’re too quick to dismiss “YA” fiction.