
Ninja foodi is an air fryer AND pressure cook. It also kicks a tremendous deal of ass.

Ninja foodi is an air fryer AND pressure cook. It also kicks a tremendous deal of ass.

The one who kicks Trump’s ass in a debate and knows how to engage with candidates in state races. Unfortunately, she won’t get the ticket.

It. Will. Remain.

No bonus points for “He knows Obama” either.

Les Orbeelablez, (2019)

We’re going to need to get Sid Farkus in for this one.

She’s 51/36 in the fucking poll that you posted as some fatal blow... Scrub.

We are using it for declaring national policy, I think it’s probably an effective megaphone for conveying important timely information.

I can appreciate that. But I would also venture that there are other factors that contributed to that in their daily life, even if cellphones (and the social media that is the actual cause... much like the overall depression of all ages in this current dystopia) were something that catalyzed those problems. 

Yes. Biden’s had so much riding on SC that if he doesn’t finish at least top 2, that will be the nail in his campaign.

Honestly, I think Warren as a VP would also be a bad tactical decision in the election. It’s going to have to be strategic in getting voter enthusiasm, but not bringing someone in who’s centrism undercuts Sanders’ message, lest he be seen as being put on a leash.

Like I’d think Harris would be a good choice on some

I love that you’ve got the Bernie talking points down and even added in some false claims like her senate popularity.

But let’s be blunt. Bernie is one-note. His support base is the Left’s version of MAGA and he’s coasting on the populism that the DNC worked so hard against in 2016.

Look. I made a light joke.

Tried to laugh off your Maude Flanders routine with a little joke about how the present sucks thanks to tech and now you’re just proving to be an insufferable asshole by going straight to “you’re a bad parent because your middle schooler has a phone.”

Biden’s either hanging on or dying out with SC. Nothing she does is going to change that. If she goes hard at more than one target she’s “too angry” and if she lays off Bloomberg and focuses on her own policy she’s “passive.”

Beating the shit out of Bloomberg has been her sweet spot and shown she can take on Trump.

Hey! How’s life in 2007? Piece of advice: Stay in your time. The future sucks.

I’m taking part in the “Tik-Tok Avoidance” Challenge.

Agreed. I don’t think Warren is his VP. I’d like her as his Treasury Secretary.

People have suggested Stacey Abrams. That might be a good choice.

I think if she stays focused on Bloomberg and doesn’t catch too much of the residual fire that will be bombed on Sanders tonight, she could get some good hits that will continue to help frame her as the fighter she is vs the “very angry woman.”


“reheated Seinfeld” is the basis of this entire series.