One side of the aisle would jump at the photo op, the other side... might actually have forgotten he has a young teenager of his own.
One side of the aisle would jump at the photo op, the other side... might actually have forgotten he has a young teenager of his own.
Content aggregation site aggregates internet content. Film at 11.
You actually posted this after last night’s debate? You really ARE a fucking moron.
Why read a plan when a soundbite is so much easier? I prefer all policy digested and regurgitated by Chris Matthews after he tries to get her to say “tax increase” a thousand times.
Klobuchar got her momentum from coldcocking Pete in the debate. It gave an in for the “please god not Bernie” theme running through all “liberal” media.
To sum it up: She and her team killed her own campaign by lack of cohesive vision and seizing on the support she did have.
Hence, food porn and the subsequent subgenres: “Glossy” cakes, “fake” foods that look like something else, “time-saving” cooking hacks, “step-sister” soup making.... I might be conflating the two worlds of porns.
So you’re saying there’s a SECOND form of porn on the internet that isn’t realistic?
FDA, natch, for Papa John.
Marsden’s done a ton in between, but I can’t help but think that with this and “Hop,” he’s sort of becoming the CGI buddy partner for kid’s movies.
No. It means they want to make sure that game junkies don’t spend a month shitting on a well-meaning kid’s movie.
Inglorious, Django, Hateful , Hollywood.
Yeah. And the moment I heard that line, I was like “Great retcon job, Quentin.”
I would’ve liked more about the story about his wife. But I think that was supposed to be more mythology/world building for Quentin to take up again in later movies?
I really just found this movie clever than anything else. Like a long…
With the exception that the video is edited to be taken out of context. Like three seconds of investigative work shows that. An article covering the event in Bloomberg, ironically enough, has the full quote that says that the prosecutor being discussed was someone who was actually involved with the corrupt…
Gottdammit! This is how I have to find out that Mindhunter is canceled? Take a few months off from this site and this is what happens!?
I should probably say something relevant to this actual post.
The Bankruptcy Bill was the day I decided that Biden could fuck all the way off and continue that fucking of past the final point of fucking off.
Yes. I had a rather heated (shocking that I got so heated) conversation with my mother-in-law over the holiday where she just blankly looked with an innocent glance and kept spouting Alex Jones nonsense as if common knowledge fact.
Who cares? There’s enough 4Chan bullshit out there that it doesn’t matter. WOULD’VE been smart for him to pull a Hillary and be like “Bring it.” Sit there and take the hits. Would’ve saved his campaign. But he has this dumb idea that he’s going to sway those Republicans who want to go back to normal and not buy into…
My wife might have a problem with me hitting on Bjork.
But I don’t know about your read on R’s voting. I’d LIKE to believe that when in the privacy of the ballot box, they’d vote against Trump given an alternative (hence all the desperation for a “centrist” Dem to tach as far right as they can before they strain…
He almost had enough time between his bad Senate behavior, his plagiarism and his terrible votes for people to forget. But then he had to open his mouth and show how Bideny he still was.