
Another example of why spell-check is a poor substitute for editing.

Self-checkout is not only a way for me personally to avoid feeling shame, but it also often speeds up the checkout process”

‘Is it true that your life passes before your eyes before you die?’

The guy’s pretty much the last “movie star” at this point.

To return the favor to all those who came before me:

The Truth Is Oort There!

It directed me to that banana video, so absolutely 100% yes it is warranted.

Sometimes, Costco has Kerrygold Butter (both salted and unsalted) in 1 lb blocks. You might have to get a pack of 4. This is fine. Butter freezes quite well.  I bust it out when it REALLY matters: Shortbread, pound cake, butter-based pasta sauces. (basically, any place the flavor of the actual butter is the main thing)

Stop buying margarine. Not only is it gross, it isn’t your job to support your significant’s addiction to an unhealthy substance. Buy butter as the gods intended. She can eat it or not at her discretion.

G/O Media is now requiring that all dairy products relocate to the coasts. They will not be paid more.

Thanks. If video is the format of the future for Gawker, I’m out. I already skip the slideshows unless I’m on mobile (so that I don’t have to see a slideshow). If they want to load pages faster, reduce the advertisement overhead.

1. Wood
2. China, Glass, and Crystal, Easily chipped items
3. Cast Iron and Copper
4. Non stick pots and pans
5. Knives
6. Cheese Graters
7. Thin Plastic
8. Sticky Labels
in text form:

Welp, looks like Lifehacker has gone from articles to millions of slideshows, to just recycling those slideshows into videos now. See also “12 Ways You Are Making Your House Look Cheap and Tacky”.

God I love the hum that the classic trek shows put in. I never noticed it till I saw a behind the scenes thing without it. It sounded all wrong and that’s when I noticed it was the hum. It’s present on ships and in stations at all times and is massively soothing.

I put the old TNG-era Star Trek shows on rotation for playing before bed. Currently about halfway through TNG, but looking forward to starting DS9 in a few months. Occasionally I’ll head up to bed early or stay up a little late if one of the episodes is a favorite, but I’ve seen them all so many times I can pick them

If I feel like taking a nap on the weekend, I’ll put on a “quiet” movie that I’ve seen before.

For a while gizmodo sites were transmitting it too. But that was couple of owners ago


You’re in the rich category then.

I never did like the British covers for the Discworld books... My mental image of the characters never looks anything like the cartoonish figures from those.