
“”Six pints of bitter,” said Ford Prefect to the barman of the Horse and Groom. “And quickly please, the world’s about to end.”

This seems cheaper than having my arms lengthened. 

Welcome to the internet, we killed all the proof readers 20 years ago because language is meant to be free!

Nope. I voted for her three times. All my friends and I who worked for her are outraged at her betrayal. She is deeply unpopular in AZ.

What a fucking bummer, to learn a personal hero is also a piece of shit. Not even gonna touch the disparate treatment of Gadot vs. Fisher by the suits; stuff like that doesn’t even register... which means I’m irrevocably broken.

We’re Jews out in spaaaace. Always on guard, defending the people’s rights.

I’m pro-worker all the way up and down the chain. If she were a key grip suing Disney for more money I would back her then too.

Look, it’s already shit down here in Texas, and we’re finally getting a bunch of these assclowns to kill themselves with Delta, so please don’t send even more of them down... pretty please.

All we needed was an Englishman in a bathrobe with a fish in his ear and carrying a towel...

“It’s important for us to own the customer...

I’m not your damn property.

How to get the most out of sleep:  Be a cat.

It’s a pop culture site examining how a major celebrity manages his image and how that image has evolved. They’re not digging in. It’s a thoughtful and balanced piece.

Aaaaaahhhhh...I can watch it forever. Like a drink of cool water on a hot and racist day.

I’m heartbroken.

The camera flashing to Nandi’s face as she is caught up in the absolute joy of playing the drum kit caused a whole crate of cut onions to float through my living room.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?


It was a great commentary. He did one for Citizen Kane too which is well worth a listen.

And the DVD had a commentary by Roger Ebert that was INCREDIBLE

More than willing to.