
It was the texts on Wednesday night.  Up until then you can play the he said/she said let’s wait until this works it way through courts/NFLs sham of a review policy.  But now we have actual documentation, from 2 days ago, where he is threatening a women.  This is the equivalent of the Ray Rice video.  Once you

He calls it a Ratku.

You sweet summer child. 

Was perhaps expecting more an initial suspension or something, but this isn’t also that big a surprise. Especially after Belichick’s walkout from the interview.

There is no next team, he’s done.


I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.

Group chat’s gonna be lit tonight

I mean, ejaculating on an unwilling person’s back and exposing yourself to a professional doing work in your home are, I think we can all agree, actions that go beyond mere shittiness, right?

No, he’s *not* a show-off, that was the whole point smdh

Show off.

I’ve noticed that over the past two or three years “Why do you have to be so rude?” is really just the way people express that they just had their ass handed to them. When you’ve got nowhere else to go, plead for civility. Now sometimes, it’s totally called for. When Donald Trump inevitably starts saying your kid

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

The reason real he and Ben Roethlisberger didn’t get along was because they were too similar.


How did Dimond do in the swim meet Friday?

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

It’s quite common in butt rock circles

TIL “intergluteal cleft.”