
“But you should still tip based on the cost of the gold steaks.”

If someone said “Who is The Answer?” would the judges have allowed it?

No, no.  The question was literally The Answer.

What do you expect? None of them are from China where the NBA is owned.

The answer was literally The Answer this time. 

Garrett replied to a fan and provided a few more details about the encounter, which he described as a ‘pillow tap.’”

In 15 years, the NFL will say this is how he got CTE.

I’ve heard of “suicide by cop” before, but “suicide by Myles Garrett” is new to me.

In America, what’s happening in Hong Kong is about an erosion of civil liberties, like free speech.

As a white man I do not feel outraged, just confused.

The headline and the last paragraph feel way incongruent with the rest of this article. 

Hong Kong Unified China a nation of contrasts uniformity.” - The Athletic

Rock Chalk, Crip Walk

How does a grandparent (or parent if younger) tell their granddaughter or grandson not to become an acrobatic dancer when Kansas is featuring them with Snoop at basketball games?

R U Lizzo?

Okay, guys, when girls say, “he’s not creepy because he’s unattractive, he’s unattractive because he’s creepy,” this is what they mean. It takes “cringe-worthy” to a whole new level.

Most kids are monsters, that's why we don't let them vote or drive or own flamethrowers. Developing a sense of empathy is part of the process of growing up.

This story is bigger in Central Iowa today than the impeachment story. I’m not even fucking kidding.

These fan clubs are overwhelmingly anti-fascist, but your statement isn’t wrong otherwise. There are strong movements both fascist and anti-fascist in European soccer. Take a look at St. Pauli for a good example of the latter.

Major League Soccer wanted Americans fans to imitate Europeans, with the scarves and the rehearsed fight songs and whatnot, but now they’re mad because some of these fan clubs are fascist.  This is the fan culture they asked for and now they have it.