
Most of the world is now looking at China very seriously. Some extremely serious and concerning reports are coming out about their actions - not just with Hong Kong. It goes beyond civil liberties and into basic human rights. 

If Josh Gordon lights one up, they could easily be hurting at WR after trading away DT. We’ll see how good (and healthy) Harry can be. We’ll see if Dorsett’s “breakout” was a fluke or not. We’ll see if Jacobi Myers can play. AB was a sure fire top 5 WR.  (Still glad the dude is gone. He just made me sick to sign)

Visit the White House?

When you’re in debt as a multimillion dollar athlete that is still actively playing, you need more than a financial advisor. You need a wakeup call. 

He had to be arrested. He was having fun in Philly.

Feels like he may have lost an internal battle at Apple and is bowing out. Maybe he had ambitions to be more than the Chief Design Officer... 

The worst part about the conference is all of these “we are gamers too” or the “thank you for buying our games” videos. I thought it was novel but annoying when MS did it - but now literally all of them did it.

Say whatever you want about how it looks from a fashion standpoint - but it certainly makes his hair look more real and less shitty hairpiece.

In reality, if this were actual tampering, 50k would be pocket change. Doc Rivers stands to make BANK if he can get a player like Kawhi on his team. 

I would recommend getting a clothing measuring tape and find spots on your body (chest, bicep, waist, hips, etc) to measure. Measure ~1 time per month.  That will give a much more accurate measurement of progress for ‘weight loss’ than a fat scale. 

He kinda looks like Robin with a George Hotz look... not quite what I expect from Batman - but I still expect him to be good at it. 

I remember there was a year towards the end of his career when Clemens had a 12-12 record with a 2 something era (like 2.02, not like 2.99). But 11-3 with a 0.28 is just insane. Even the 90s Braves could have scored enough runs to win those games...

Took me too long to get the joke. I kept looking for a normal advertising banner. Star well earned.

I had my bet on Daenerys. GRRM would have done it. It would have complicated the story and made it interesting. 

Melisandra. (sp?)

The motto of the drown’d god: What is dead may never die.

Does anyone have an explanation for the end of the episode? I don’t understand why they ended Mel like that and at that point. Was she just ready to die?

Unfortunately, this is how you put yourself in a situation to have to prove you weren’t trying to commit insurance fraud or something. I think she did the smartest thing she could.

If the report shows no indication of collusion - it is far more likely he’ll tweet it 280 characters at a time. If the WH does not want it released, Congress will subpoena enough people to get the basic contents released. I really doubt this report remains behind closed doors for more than a week.

Because she only lifts 10 pound dumbbells. Muscle helps fill out the body in a toned way, without looking to ‘muscular’ unless you are taking testosterone and protein supplements.