
Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.

2 years from now, porsche will release a car that is “planned” to bring competition to a model first sold in 2012/2013. Do you hear yourself?

But they lost. Can’t root for this team, ever. Jay Paterno is on the board.

Dude is so elusive, he could be a lawyer for Joe Paterno.

The operative word there being..... “if”.

How the hell is that not an ejectable hit? Exhibit A that goes to show you how terrible NFL officiating is, right there.

Until the NFL starts ejecting and suspending players on top of fining them for this stuff, these hits will continue.

Not without teaming up with 60 year old Dwayne Wade.

The NCAA would like a word.

Anyone running a marathon in 2:12 isn’t “a random dude.” But you’re correct that without the mislead runners losing about two minutes he wasn’t likely to win.

Round here we call that a “quadruple.”

Whoa whoa whoa there

Meanwhile, CBS refuses to acknowledge the idiot in the booth...

It’s weird, because most of the people I know who have a military background don’t give a shit, and think American flag speedos are much more disrespectful

Cause it’s convenient for those who oppose the mission of the protests.

I think stock is better, but I’m sure someone is still complaining they can’t find one. I expect that stock will be low again after Mario hits and parents start buying them for the holidays.

In retrospect, releasing in March was a really smart idea on Nintendo’s part, as it let the hardcore fans not compete with mom

But someone has to pay that attorney for said action. Unless they’re employed by the rights holder it’s a waste of time/money/resources since there has yet to be actual harm.

The attorney rule of thumb is Cease everyone, let the courts sort it out, cash paycheck.

Meh, we only follow the laws that we like in this country.