McGahee’s injury has always been at the top of the list for me. I’m always amazed that he was able to recover and have a productive career.
McGahee’s injury has always been at the top of the list for me. I’m always amazed that he was able to recover and have a productive career.
Still having a better night than Ken Giles
Here is the greatest photo of all time.
This is what Rick Pitino sees when he looks in the mirror.
I hate that I live in Syracuse. My team is in the top 5 (obviously not Syracuse) and now I have to listen to these Labatt drinking, Hoffman eating motherfuckers say, “if they would give ‘cuse a fair shot WE’D be national champs, but they wanna hold us back!”
That moved is banned in all Judo tournaments.
Maybe UConn should just help kids cheat next time rather than give them bad grades.
Counterpoint: If a school is not requiring its athletes from maintaining at least minimum grades in a minimally rigorous program of study, they could conceivably have a competitive advantage over teams that make their athletes spend at least SOME of their week studying and attending classes. I mean, it’s conceivable…
This right here pretty much sums up the proper response to every NCAA issue.
This comment needs a lot more upvotes.
At least spell Ivy right in this rant for fucks sake.
it shouldn’t be the NCAA’s job to police school academics.
Counterpoint: This isn’t an NCAA problem. The problem was with SACS. UNC admitted that it was providing credit for courses that were essentially valueless. SACS should have been all over their case. The NCAA isn’t in the position to say what is or isn’t a course with value. SACS is and should have given way more than…
Can we have our Final Four banner back now?
As if the NCAA had any credibility left it is all gone now. Better make sure no punters are making youtube videos! That is the real threat to the student athlete.
Student - Athlete.
The NCAA also gave a conditional thumbs up to Duke’s Caucasian-American Studies department/Basketball team.
The NCAA also announced 3 years of probation and sanctions on Cleveland St. Stripping them of four scholarships and banning them from postseason play for the 2017-18 season, for the violation of improper use of a fax machine when submitting documentation.
Imagine being stupid enough to trade in your car for a packet of shitty novelty sauce.