I hate to say it, but I think Mr. Dotard has better form than Fultz, with a nice wrist snap and backspin on the release actually.
I hate to say it, but I think Mr. Dotard has better form than Fultz, with a nice wrist snap and backspin on the release actually.
I don’t think the Giants should be exempt from the bidding war at this point.
Hopefully someone from the Jets is there watching.
I’m in Jerry Jones Fantasy League and you get -25 for an anthem kneel. I almost lost but luckily I started Elliott and got +10 for his domestic violence. Take that Jerry!
well based on the media’s take on Chicago. Wear a bullet proof vest.
The Harvey Weinstein scandal has clearly got Ben hearing footsteps.
That was 57 years ago I am willing to bet there has been significant turnover of the fans since then.
There are also few people in the world more qualified to assess Harden’s leadership.
you’re right. He should’ve sent a vague tweet thread that never names anyone specifically but leads you to think it might be Harden. THAT’S how the kids today do it.
See “Redskins” without thinking of this The Onion article:
Racism? In Missouri? You don’t say.
I’m just floored and saddened that someone at a Redskins game would use a racial slur.
Cam better be careful; any douchier and misogynistic and he’ll end up on the Cowboys.
The Mustang to racist ratio is about 1-1 near as I can tell. There’s these three young middle eastern guys sharing an apartment up the street from me. They went in together and bought an orange Mustang. They’re so proud of it, always out there polishing it and taking selfies with it. I don’t have the heart to tell…
Tell me more about this musical car
I mean, I’ll pop a chubby too when Duke gets named, but poor Cleveland State will be the one to suffer the brunt of the NCAA’s wrath.
You don’t remember the mid 90's when the NBA went from a volunteer force to a paid to play program? Turbulent times.