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Time to drag out my breakfast favorite, Gordon Ramsay’s creamy scrambled eggs. If it weren’t for this recipe, I wouldn’t be married now.

If only the Raiders had done a similarly good job protecting for him during the actual game (9 carries for 12 yards).

They’re not hiding him, they’re providing sniper cover. I applaud the Raiders for being proactive about player safety.

We’re just here so he doesn’t get fined. - Oakland Bodyguards

You haven’t followed the NFL for long if you’re shocked by anything.

Like every other young person just getting out of college, all rookies must spend a couple of years in New York before leaving to find happiness elsewhere

No mention of 9/11?

Unless his statement reads: “I have realized that I am giant, horrible douche-nozzle, so I will now fuck off and die.”

Pitino is going to find out that his feigned ignorance may fool the NCAA but won’t at all sway the Department of Justice.

That’s what the escort said.

Rick Pitino isn’t walking through that door!

Third, as I’ve previously stated, I had no knowledge of any payments to any recruit or their family. But I was the head coach and I will take ownership of my decisions.

in an Italian restaurant I hope?

It was actually released 15 seconds afterwards.

I mean...kinda.

Not surprising. That 200 million is, like, 8 billion in Oklahoma Dollars.

The only thing that could make this more Russell Westbrook level petty would be if he signed this on Durant’s birthday.

“Yeah that guy is an embarrassment to our fine institution.”

This was Bin Laden’s plan all along. He didn’t get to live to see how 9/11 would ultimately ruin Rick Pitino’s career, but it’s why OBL spent so much time watching TV. He honestly couldn’t believe it was taking so goddam long for some school to fire the guy. In fact, according to Seal Team 6.1, OBL’s last words were,

But please, if you’re going to pick up a guitar, learn anything but Wonderwall. That will merely earn you scorn and ridicule from any serious players who happen to be within earshot.....