
oled 2010

Someone’s losing their job, today.

LOL Face ID failed in it’s first public demo ever.

Ugh. What annoys me the most about Common Core is that there are usually more than one way to get to the answer. Just like real life. Or there are no [good] answers (like real life). Besides the fact that their process makes no sense to me (and I also took a s***ton of math courses).

I read an explanation of how Common Core is supposed to help them solve the problem by dividing it up in to more workable chunks, but it just seemed harder to me than working the math out straight, plus you have more room for error if you’re taking one equation and breaking it up into a bunch more smaller ones.

Common core math is the devil.

Even though he died in 2106

No, they HEARD a lot of new words. That doesn’t mean they learned shit!

He then later quoted Kant: “Go Raiders!”

Bet he doesn’t even have a DUI. I hate him.

Funny enough, I was with a few giants fans and not even 10 seconds after this fantastic catch happened, all I heard about was how this catch has nothing on the David Tyree catch in the super bowl.

Got angry-eyed in an NYC bar because I enjoyed this goddamn great catch. Because Giants fans are joyless.

He knows and he needed to create the controversy for the clicks/views.

This is what happens when you decide to double-down on your edgelording after getting called out on it: you squander all of your goodwill.

A hurricane is bad enough. Do we really need to add to these people’s troubles with a snakenado?

It’s weird. It’s almost like waiting two years to get surgery for your shoulder injury is a bad idea for an athlete who throws things.

This is a downer.

It’s a shame they have to wait until week 2 to unveil the banner for throwing 2 TDs.

Jim Irsay bumming all of Luck’s pain pills isn’t helping matters either.

What’re you guys talking about?