
Never break eye contact. Stare directly into the eyes of the person you are speaking to always. Assert your dominance. I promise this is good advice.

He looks ok in his profile picture at least:

You’re overlooking the other possibility, perhaps because it is too horrible: That Trump gets reelected in 2020 and they run on a 2024 ticket.

Star for burnt husk!

I agree with Trump making MAGMA. Make magma flow all over the world until it is nothing but a burnt husk. Let the magma burn away all signs of man. Curse the magma as it marches across our lands. Watch the magma consume those that anger it, those that disobey it. This is the future we deserve.

Fine, but it doesn’t really explain why Arya would suddenly feel all murdery with her sister, and start talking about taking her place to wear her pretty dresses—something she explicitly has been shown not to care about.

“What To Do If You’re A Woman Who Struggles To Orgasm”

i want some. get me some. kinja deals?

For Targaryens, it’s just usual family business.

Shit, we have a winner already. Shut it down, folks.

I think Winter came inside her not on her face.

i thought Tyrion was foreshadowing Jamie’s death, i was prepared for it

Odds on faking a pregnancy to manipulate Tyrion and Jaime both?

Daenerys is really gonna have Aegon her face when she finds out who she’s hooking up with tonight!

I thought Jaime was d-e-d. DED

“More like Pelican’ts, amirite!?”

Can I be ok with it when it’s right and hate it when it fucks up an innocent dude’s life? Like that professor from Arkansas?

Patriots WR depth is ridiculous this year even still. And one thing any NFL fan should have learned by now is Brady will make any receiver look like an all pro if he can run decent routes and has decent hands.

Sorry Cleveland. Jerseys were already burned.