
The reality is that if she doesn’t run 2020, she’s never running. That’s why it’s brought up a lot. Assuming a Democrat defeats Trump in 2020, she won’t run in 2024. And in 2028? She’s 71 now. In 9 years, she’ll be 80. No one will win election at that age. Bernie Sanders is going to have those same age questions from

Maybe it was strip bridge. . . would explain why he needed Testosterone. 

Part of me wants to watch the world burn... so how can he go to the Knicks?

It’s amazing how much having a strong running game simplifies what kinds of defense the offense will face. 

Part of the reason I think it was successful late was because the Rams DL was more exhausted at the end of the game than they would be at the beginning. I just don’t think this was going to be effective with Suh and Donald at 100% in the beginning. 

People that complain about Belichick’s 1970s rushing attack must have forgotten that he (largely) is responsible for the spread offense in the NFL, today. Before 2007, a lot of teams were emulating the Patriots 2TE, rushing style of offense. No one was going 3+ wide every play. And certainly not 5 wide as an offense.

On a scale of 1-10, they look like the Detroit Lions.

Stop it... they’re dead already. 

I’d have to rewatch the game, but I really felt like Hightower was quietly making Jared Goff’s life a living hell.

Nearly was single digits if Legatron hit that field goal.

Claiming the Chiefs lost because of a bad call is crazy. Gronk was held all night by Berry and anyone one of them getting called could have sealed the game for NE.

NC State disappointing people? No way. Never seen that before. Especially not as a student or alumni...

But the clock was right.

Gronk was probably mad about having to give Eric Berry a piggyback ride.

Also “Don’t be afraid of not having the perfect workout”

Im legitimately dumb. I was thinking “Class action”

It’s funny because it’s like they were thinking Tom Brady would try to force it into the zone and get picked off. Like he has never dinked and dunked his way to a championship.

is doing*

Who bets the “financial” issue is she makes more or is the most financially smart and cheater has blown it all and can’t afford to leave.