
He has to control the ball throughout the process of going to the ground. The knee is irrelevant.

They could win all 3 and not make the playoffs. They need help even with all 3 wins.

Didn’t work for Cleveland or leftists.

Is he doing blow off of a hooker’s ass strip club bathroom countertop? yet?

The only reasons he isn’t done for a lot longer is he is actually good and the chiefs are still somehow still in the playoff hunt.

No reason to cut him. Give it a few games and he’ll injure himself. Less of a legal trail that way.

Thank fucking god. Fuck Fantasy Football. Burn it to the ground. If this helps that, then praise the fucking sun.

This isn’t about one game. White was the victim of a lot of built up crap between Gronk and officials.

They finished 6th in the ACC because their star QB tore his ACL.

I guess the officials missed the chance to eject Gronk like they missed the hold and DPI calls prior to that INT.

This problem only exists because a 2 loss team got in over a 1 loss team... to the SEC Title game. The conference title tie breakers are nuts.

It’s not a debate. Auburn is a significantly stronger team than Iowa. 12 < 31.

still pretty funny, IMO.

The fact that you can use it at some places doesn’t 1) make it a currency and 2) doesn’t mean it’s viable for people. What’s the point of ‘money’ that I can only spend in some places?

After the drive Jimmy Garoppolo just had with the 49ers, the Jags have to be kicking themselves for not trading for him. They’re the best team without a QB. In a wide open AFC, they could easily be locked in as the second best team... but they have Blaine Gab... I mean Blake Bortles.

I can’t think of any good coaches that shied away from pressure, unless you want to make that argument about Urban Meyer.

Grab her by the Dwight Howard?

Florida has fallen quite far if someone turned them down for UCLA. Florida, because of a litany of factors, was a top 5 job not too long ago. Hate the school if you want but they have great facilities, strong boosters, and a huge talent pool (more 4 and 5 star talent per capita than anywhere else “in their back

When you get tired of playing in the minors, it’s time to step up to the big leagues.

This isn’t a rule, but a guideline. It’s “be more careful when...”.