
This is a small company mentality. Many large companies are so large and well segmented that you may only meet someone on rare occasions in the company cafeteria.

If you kick a player off of a team and rescind their scholarship, then I’m pretty sure he is illegible immediately.

Jerry Jones is getting what he deserves. He supported a rogue commissioner and then tried to fuck his fellow owners. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were a fix, but at the very least the Cowboys are 0-3 without their RB, so Jerry is fuming.

Is Kraft on there for a reason or is it just jealousy?

The funny part about that ‘private jet for life’ is that he’s only asking to be allowed to use the NFLs NetJet deal personally. The one he probably negotiated for the owners. He still pays for the use of the jet.

Even though he’s banned for life... He still won’t because of fear of what might happen with all of the unwritten rules in sports.

If that’s all the contact it takes for you to go down, then maybe pro sports isn’t for you. The NBA has long needed an enforced flopping rule but the same crying would occur if that were actually enforced.

Goodell destroyed the NFLPA. I see why some owners are backing him.

Having talented players and not getting value out of them is a coaching problem.

“additional information”... he gave up the new tattoo parlor.

For the first time in a while... the NCAA made a common sense decision.

If you want start an internet fight... ask that question on a powerlifting forum.

Some of those pictures look like he is dead.

Without giving that up, Dallas only wins 28-10. Remember when KC was the best team in the league after week 1? Welcome back KC.

Looked more like when Andre Johnson beat the fuck out of Finnegan.

The Colts management are idiots. 100%. I don’t understand, because you’d think a prescription drug addict might learn something from a doctor at some point...

If it were a first round pick, Bill would feel obligated to take a cornerback someone might have heard of instead of one no one has.

You mean Great? The best?

Flacco starts his slide at the 14 and Alonso is at the 9. That’s 5 yards. Plenty of time to not level a big hit.

Or Unconcussed Eli Manning.